In order to recreate the analyses and plots on in vivo retinal data, the script invivoRGC_RF_Analysis_plotting.m in the github repository ( can be used with RGC_in_vivo_RFs_selected.mat as the input data file. The data file contains the extracted 2D and 1D receptive fields at peak timepoint for all selected RGC bouton ROIs (RF_xD), the respective computed parameterizations of individual receptive field estimates and the saccade axis for each recording. The script defines the bin settings for plotting, averaging and statistics as they are used in the paper. We also provide the time-varying receptive field estimates for all ROIs for each experiment in the files invivo_BL6-eyeXXX_Result.mat before selecting based on quality criteria. The script invivoRGC_RF_collect_select.m takes these files and, collects, computes and selects the relevant bouton data. The files contain the spatiotemporal filters (RFa_bg) for each ROI and parameters (RF_param) for each. Short descriptors of each parameter can be found in RF_param_key. saccade_params contains the time, polar direction, amplitude and start eye position elevation & azimuth values for each extracted saccade. sac_deg_tuning contains the extracted saccade axis (in deg) and saccadic tuning (0 to 1). The script collects data from these recordings and computes relevant fit and quality parameters. Finally, it selects the boutons fitting to the set inclusion criteria (predefined as used in the paper) and exports the (much smaller) "selected" file used for plotting.