Test data, Ilastik Example file, and expected results and a compiled version of the app can be downloaded from here: https://seafile.ist.ac.at/d/29861b8bc6314fa1b871/ To reproduce test results: 0. install RGtracker app 1. download and install Ilastik https://www.ilastik.org/download.html 2. download the corresponding Ilastik example folder 3. "Load Parameters" (select 'Testsettings.mat') 4. "Load Ilastik Segmentation File" (select the example Ilastik file 'RootTip_3.ilp') 5. "Ilastik Executable" select the correct path your 'ilastik.exe is located in 6. "load Movie Directory" (select the folder which contains the example files). 7. press "track" (At this moment there is no manual for the app however all buttons have extensive tool-tips and the general work-flow should be self-evident. If you run into issues please contact me at rhauschild@ist.ac.at)