Computational design of cold bent glass facades (2020) ACM Trans. Graph. Summary: Trained MDN model and glass panel processed simulation data with Bezier surface approximations. Instruction: 1. Clone git repository 2. Unpack chosen archive files into folder cold-glass-acm/data * File Summary: Trained model data. * File Summary: Panel shape optimization data used for model training. In file each row represents a single optimal panel of thickness 1 mm. Format: Parquet Data columns: panel_id: unique identificator of a panel (1XXXYYYYYY, XXX - batch id, YYYYYY - panel number) K_NN_D: NN control points in range [00 .. 15] with coordinates D in dimensions [0 .. 2] (meters) dataset: name of dataset ('train', 'test', 'none') total_energy: total mechanical energy of the panel (J) panel_id_src: reference to panel with the same boundary (differs from panel_id if panel is obtained during data enrichment phase) max_stress: maximal stress value (Pa) [simulation corner triangles are ignored as overly constrained] Lp_12_stress: Lp-norm (p = 12) of maximal stress per-triangle two-sided (Pa)