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273 Publications
2022 |Published| Book Chapter | IST-REx-ID: 11440 |
Bleile B, Garin A, Heiss T, Maggs K, Robins V. 2022.The persistent homology of dual digital image constructions. In: Research in Computational Topology 2. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol. 30, 1–26.
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2022 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 11938 |
Aichholzer O, Arroyo Guevara AM, Masárová Z, Parada I, Perz D, Pilz A, Tkadlec J, Vogtenhuber B. 2022. On compatible matchings. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. 26(2), 225–240.
[Published Version]
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| arXiv
2022 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9649 |
Boissonnat J-D, Wintraecken M. 2022. The topological correctness of PL approximations of isomanifolds. Foundations of Computational Mathematics . 22, 967–1012.
[Published Version]
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