Cytoskeletal force generation and force transduction of migrating leukocytes
Project Period: 2011-08-01 – 2016-12-31
Principal Investigator
Grant Number
Y 564-B12
9 Publications
2021 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9259 |
Shape and function of interstitial chemokine CCL21 gradients are independent of heparan sulfates produced by lymphatic endothelium
K. Vaahtomeri, C. Moussion, R. Hauschild, M.K. Sixt, Frontiers in Immunology 12 (2021).
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K. Vaahtomeri, C. Moussion, R. Hauschild, M.K. Sixt, Frontiers in Immunology 12 (2021).
2018 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 275 |
Lymphatic exosomes promote dendritic cell migration along guidance cues
M. Brown, L. Johnson, D. Leone, P. Májek, K. Vaahtomeri, D. Senfter, N. Bukosza, H. Schachner, G. Asfour, B. Langer, R. Hauschild, K. Parapatics, Y. Hong, K. Bennett, R. Kain, M. Detmar, M.K. Sixt, D. Jackson, D. Kerjaschki, Journal of Cell Biology 217 (2018) 2205–2221.
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M. Brown, L. Johnson, D. Leone, P. Májek, K. Vaahtomeri, D. Senfter, N. Bukosza, H. Schachner, G. Asfour, B. Langer, R. Hauschild, K. Parapatics, Y. Hong, K. Bennett, R. Kain, M. Detmar, M.K. Sixt, D. Jackson, D. Kerjaschki, Journal of Cell Biology 217 (2018) 2205–2221.
2018 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 402 |
Lymph node blood vessels provide exit routes for metastatic tumor cell dissemination in mice
M. Brown, F.P. Assen, A.F. Leithner, J. Abe, H. Schachner, G. Asfour, Z. Bagó Horváth, J. Stein, P. Uhrin, M.K. Sixt, D. Kerjaschki, Science 359 (2018) 1408–1411.
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M. Brown, F.P. Assen, A.F. Leithner, J. Abe, H. Schachner, G. Asfour, Z. Bagó Horváth, J. Stein, P. Uhrin, M.K. Sixt, D. Kerjaschki, Science 359 (2018) 1408–1411.
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 672 |
Locally triggered release of the chemokine CCL21 promotes dendritic cell transmigration across lymphatic endothelia
K. Vaahtomeri, M. Brown, R. Hauschild, I. de Vries, A.F. Leithner, M. Mehling, W. Kaufmann, M.K. Sixt, Cell Reports 19 (2017) 902–909.
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K. Vaahtomeri, M. Brown, R. Hauschild, I. de Vries, A.F. Leithner, M. Mehling, W. Kaufmann, M.K. Sixt, Cell Reports 19 (2017) 902–909.
2017 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 674
Dendritic cells interpret haptotactic chemokine gradients in a manner governed by signal to noise ratio and dependent on GRK6
J. Schwarz, V. Bierbaum, K. Vaahtomeri, R. Hauschild, M. Brown, I. de Vries, A.F. Leithner, A. Reversat, J. Merrin, T. Tarrant, M.T. Bollenbach, M.K. Sixt, Current Biology 27 (2017) 1314–1325.
J. Schwarz, V. Bierbaum, K. Vaahtomeri, R. Hauschild, M. Brown, I. de Vries, A.F. Leithner, A. Reversat, J. Merrin, T. Tarrant, M.T. Bollenbach, M.K. Sixt, Current Biology 27 (2017) 1314–1325.
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1154 |
A microfluidic device for measuring cell migration towards substrate bound and soluble chemokine gradients
J. Schwarz, V. Bierbaum, J. Merrin, T. Frank, R. Hauschild, M.T. Bollenbach, S. Tay, M.K. Sixt, M. Mehling, Scientific Reports 6 (2016).
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J. Schwarz, V. Bierbaum, J. Merrin, T. Frank, R. Hauschild, M.T. Bollenbach, S. Tay, M.K. Sixt, M. Mehling, Scientific Reports 6 (2016).
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1285
Focal adhesion-independent cell migration
E. Paluch, I. Aspalter, M.K. Sixt, Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 32 (2016) 469–490.
E. Paluch, I. Aspalter, M.K. Sixt, Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 32 (2016) 469–490.
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1597
Quantitative analysis of dendritic cell haptotaxis
J. Schwarz, M.K. Sixt, Methods in Enzymology 570 (2016) 567–581.
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J. Schwarz, M.K. Sixt, Methods in Enzymology 570 (2016) 567–581.
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1599 |
Polysialylation controls dendritic cell trafficking by regulating chemokine recognition
E. Kiermaier, C. Moussion, C. Veldkamp, R. Gerardy Schahn, I. de Vries, L. Williams, G. Chaffee, A. Phillips, F. Freiberger, R. Imre, D. Taleski, R. Payne, A. Braun, R. Förster, K. Mechtler, M. Mühlenhoff, B. Volkman, M.K. Sixt, Science 351 (2016) 186–190.
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E. Kiermaier, C. Moussion, C. Veldkamp, R. Gerardy Schahn, I. de Vries, L. Williams, G. Chaffee, A. Phillips, F. Freiberger, R. Imre, D. Taleski, R. Payne, A. Braun, R. Förster, K. Mechtler, M. Mühlenhoff, B. Volkman, M.K. Sixt, Science 351 (2016) 186–190.