Coherent on-chip conversion of superconducting qubit signals from microwaves to optical frequencies
Project Period: 2018-07-01 – 2020-12-31
Externally Funded
5 Publications
2023 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 13106 |
Entangling microwaves with light
R. Sahu, L. Qiu, W.J. Hease, G.M. Arnold, Y. Minoguchi, P. Rabl, J.M. Fink, Science 380 (2023) 718–721.
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R. Sahu, L. Qiu, W.J. Hease, G.M. Arnold, Y. Minoguchi, P. Rabl, J.M. Fink, Science 380 (2023) 718–721.
2023 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 13200 |
Coherent optical control of a superconducting microwave cavity via electro-optical dynamical back-action
L. Qiu, R. Sahu, W.J. Hease, G.M. Arnold, J.M. Fink, Nature Communications 14 (2023).
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L. Qiu, R. Sahu, W.J. Hease, G.M. Arnold, J.M. Fink, Nature Communications 14 (2023).
2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 8529 |
Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface
G.M. Arnold, M. Wulf, S. Barzanjeh, E. Redchenko, A.R. Rueda Sanchez, W.J. Hease, F. Hassani, J.M. Fink, Nature Communications 11 (2020).
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G.M. Arnold, M. Wulf, S. Barzanjeh, E. Redchenko, A.R. Rueda Sanchez, W.J. Hease, F. Hassani, J.M. Fink, Nature Communications 11 (2020).
2020 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 9114 |
Bidirectional electro-optic wavelength conversion in the quantum ground state
W.J. Hease, A.R. Rueda Sanchez, R. Sahu, M. Wulf, G.M. Arnold, H.G.L. Schwefel, J.M. Fink, PRX Quantum 1 (2020).
[Published Version]
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W.J. Hease, A.R. Rueda Sanchez, R. Sahu, M. Wulf, G.M. Arnold, H.G.L. Schwefel, J.M. Fink, PRX Quantum 1 (2020).
2019 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 6609 |
Stationary entangled radiation from micromechanical motion
S. Barzanjeh, E. Redchenko, M. Peruzzo, M. Wulf, D. Lewis, G.M. Arnold, J.M. Fink, Nature 570 (2019) 480–483.
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S. Barzanjeh, E. Redchenko, M. Peruzzo, M. Wulf, D. Lewis, G.M. Arnold, J.M. Fink, Nature 570 (2019) 480–483.