{"year":"2020","extern":"1","conference":{"end_date":"2020-03-06","name":"APS: American Physical Society","start_date":"2020-03-02","location":"Denver, CO, United States"},"intvolume":" 65","month":"03","type":"conference","publication_status":"published","citation":{"apa":"Zhou, H., Polshyn, H., Tanaguchi, T., Watanabe, K., & Young, A. (2020). Sublattice resolved spin wave transport through graphene fractional quantum Hall states as a probe of isospin order. In APS March Meeting 2020 (Vol. 65). Denver, CO, United States: American Physical Society.","mla":"Zhou, Haoxin, et al. “Sublattice Resolved Spin Wave Transport through Graphene Fractional Quantum Hall States as a Probe of Isospin Order.” APS March Meeting 2020, vol. 65, no. 1, B54. 00007, American Physical Society, 2020.","ieee":"H. Zhou, H. Polshyn, T. Tanaguchi, K. Watanabe, and A. Young, “Sublattice resolved spin wave transport through graphene fractional quantum Hall states as a probe of isospin order,” in APS March Meeting 2020, Denver, CO, United States, 2020, vol. 65, no. 1.","ista":"Zhou H, Polshyn H, Tanaguchi T, Watanabe K, Young A. 2020. Sublattice resolved spin wave transport through graphene fractional quantum Hall states as a probe of isospin order. APS March Meeting 2020. APS: American Physical Society, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, vol. 65, B54. 00007.","ama":"Zhou H, Polshyn H, Tanaguchi T, Watanabe K, Young A. Sublattice resolved spin wave transport through graphene fractional quantum Hall states as a probe of isospin order. In: APS March Meeting 2020. Vol 65. American Physical Society; 2020.","chicago":"Zhou, Haoxin, Hryhoriy Polshyn, Takashi Tanaguchi, Kenji Watanabe, and Andrea Young. “Sublattice Resolved Spin Wave Transport through Graphene Fractional Quantum Hall States as a Probe of Isospin Order.” In APS March Meeting 2020, Vol. 65. American Physical Society, 2020.","short":"H. Zhou, H. Polshyn, T. Tanaguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Young, in:, APS March Meeting 2020, American Physical Society, 2020."},"main_file_link":[{"url":"https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR20/Session/B54.7","open_access":"1"}],"oa_version":"Published Version","volume":65,"date_updated":"2022-01-27T10:58:38Z","article_number":"B54. 00007","status":"public","publisher":"American Physical Society","user_id":"8b945eb4-e2f2-11eb-945a-df72226e66a9","article_processing_charge":"No","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"date_published":"2020-03-01T00:00:00Z","alternative_title":["Bulletin of the American Physical Society"],"publication_identifier":{"issn":["0003-0503"]},"author":[{"first_name":"Haoxin","last_name":"Zhou","full_name":"Zhou, Haoxin"},{"orcid":"0000-0001-8223-8896","first_name":"Hryhoriy","last_name":"Polshyn","full_name":"Polshyn, Hryhoriy","id":"edfc7cb1-526e-11ec-b05a-e6ecc27e4e48"},{"full_name":"Tanaguchi, Takashi","last_name":"Tanaguchi","first_name":"Takashi"},{"full_name":"Watanabe, Kenji","first_name":"Kenji","last_name":"Watanabe"},{"first_name":"Andrea","last_name":"Young","full_name":"Young, Andrea"}],"issue":"1","date_created":"2022-01-27T10:50:10Z","oa":1,"_id":"10693","title":"Sublattice resolved spin wave transport through graphene fractional quantum Hall states as a probe of isospin order","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"High quality graphene heterostructures host an array of fractional quantum Hall isospin ferromagnets with diverse spin and valley orders. While a variety of phase transitions have been observed, disentangling the isospin phase diagram of these states is hampered by the absence of direct probes of spin and valley order. I will describe nonlocal transport measurements based on launching spin waves from a gate defined lateral heterojunction, performed in ultra-clean Corbino geometry graphene devices. At high magnetic fields, we find that the spin-wave transport signal is detected in all FQH states between ν = 0 and 1; however, between ν = 1 and 2 only odd numerator FQH states show finite nonlocal transport, despite the identical ground state spin polarizations in odd- and even numerator states. The results reveal that the neutral spin-waves are both spin and sublattice polarized making them a sensitive probe of ground state sublattice structure. Armed with this understanding, we use nonlocal transport signal to a magnetic field tuned isospin phase transition, showing that the emergent even denominator state at ν = 1/2 in monolayer graphene is indeed a multicomponent state featuring equal populations on each sublattice."}],"publication":"APS March Meeting 2020","quality_controlled":"1","day":"01"}