{"user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","intvolume":" 647","quality_controlled":"1","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"oa":1,"main_file_link":[{"url":"https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.05516","open_access":"1"}],"doi":"10.1051/0004-6361/202039887","author":[{"first_name":"R.","full_name":"Bacon, R.","last_name":"Bacon"},{"first_name":"D.","full_name":"Mary, D.","last_name":"Mary"},{"last_name":"Garel","full_name":"Garel, T.","first_name":"T."},{"first_name":"J.","full_name":"Blaizot, J.","last_name":"Blaizot"},{"first_name":"M.","last_name":"Maseda","full_name":"Maseda, M."},{"first_name":"J.","full_name":"Schaye, J.","last_name":"Schaye"},{"last_name":"Wisotzki","full_name":"Wisotzki, L.","first_name":"L."},{"first_name":"S.","last_name":"Conseil","full_name":"Conseil, S."},{"first_name":"J.","full_name":"Brinchmann, J.","last_name":"Brinchmann"},{"last_name":"Leclercq","full_name":"Leclercq, F.","first_name":"F."},{"first_name":"V.","last_name":"Abril-Melgarejo","full_name":"Abril-Melgarejo, V."},{"last_name":"Boogaard","full_name":"Boogaard, L.","first_name":"L."},{"first_name":"N. F.","full_name":"Bouché, N. F.","last_name":"Bouché"},{"last_name":"Contini","full_name":"Contini, T.","first_name":"T."},{"full_name":"Feltre, A.","last_name":"Feltre","first_name":"A."},{"last_name":"Guiderdoni","full_name":"Guiderdoni, B.","first_name":"B."},{"full_name":"Herenz, C.","last_name":"Herenz","first_name":"C."},{"first_name":"W.","full_name":"Kollatschny, W.","last_name":"Kollatschny"},{"first_name":"H.","last_name":"Kusakabe","full_name":"Kusakabe, H."},{"first_name":"Jorryt J","orcid":"0000-0003-2871-127X","id":"7439a258-f3c0-11ec-9501-9df22fe06720","last_name":"Matthee","full_name":"Matthee, Jorryt J"},{"last_name":"Michel-Dansac","full_name":"Michel-Dansac, L.","first_name":"L."},{"first_name":"T.","last_name":"Nanayakkara","full_name":"Nanayakkara, T."},{"first_name":"J.","last_name":"Richard","full_name":"Richard, J."},{"first_name":"M.","full_name":"Roth, M.","last_name":"Roth"},{"first_name":"K. B.","full_name":"Schmidt, K. B.","last_name":"Schmidt"},{"full_name":"Steinmetz, M.","last_name":"Steinmetz","first_name":"M."},{"full_name":"Tresse, L.","last_name":"Tresse","first_name":"L."},{"first_name":"T.","last_name":"Urrutia","full_name":"Urrutia, T."},{"first_name":"A.","full_name":"Verhamme, A.","last_name":"Verhamme"},{"full_name":"Weilbacher, P. M.","last_name":"Weilbacher","first_name":"P. M."},{"first_name":"J.","last_name":"Zabl","full_name":"Zabl, J."},{"full_name":"Zoutendijk, S. L.","last_name":"Zoutendijk","first_name":"S. L."}],"volume":647,"_id":"11500","external_id":{"arxiv":["2102.05516"]},"date_published":"2021-03-18T00:00:00Z","publication":"Astronomy & Astrophysics","publication_status":"published","day":"18","oa_version":"Published Version","article_type":"original","status":"public","extern":"1","publisher":"EDP Sciences","year":"2021","abstract":[{"text":"We report the discovery of diffuse extended Lyα emission from redshift 3.1 to 4.5, tracing cosmic web filaments on scales of 2.5−4 cMpc. These structures have been observed in overdensities of Lyα emitters in the MUSE Extremely Deep Field, a 140 h deep MUSE observation located in the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. Among the 22 overdense regions identified, five are likely to harbor very extended Lyα emission at high significance with an average surface brightness of 5 × 10−20 erg s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2. Remarkably, 70% of the total Lyα luminosity from these filaments comes from beyond the circumgalactic medium of any identified Lyα emitter. Fluorescent Lyα emission powered by the cosmic UV background can only account for less than 34% of this emission at z ≈ 3 and for not more than 10% at higher redshift. We find that the bulk of this diffuse emission can be reproduced by the unresolved Lyα emission of a large population of ultra low-luminosity Lyα emitters (< 1040 erg s−1), provided that the faint end of the Lyα luminosity function is steep (α ⪅ −1.8), it extends down to luminosities lower than 1038 − 1037 erg s−1, and the clustering of these Lyα emitters is significant (filling factor < 1/6). If these Lyα emitters are powered by star formation, then this implies their luminosity function needs to extend down to star formation rates < 10−4 M⊙ yr−1. These observations provide the first detection of the cosmic web in Lyα emission in typical filamentary environments and the first observational clue indicating the existence of a large population of ultra low-luminosity Lyα emitters at high redshift.","lang":"eng"}],"publication_identifier":{"eissn":["1432-0746"],"issn":["0004-6361"]},"title":"The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: The cosmic web in emission at high redshift","month":"03","date_updated":"2022-07-19T09:34:57Z","acknowledgement":"We warmly thank ESO Paranal staff for their great professional support during all MXDF GTO observing runs. We thank the anonymous referee for a careful reading of the manuscript and helpful comments. We also thank Matthew Lehnert for fruitful discussions. RB, AF, SC acknowledge support from the ERC advanced grant 339659-MUSICOS. JB acknowledges support by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the research grants UID/FIS/04434/2019, UIDB/04434/2020, UIDP/04434/2020 and through the Investigador FCT Contract No. IF/01654/2014/CP1215/CT0003. TG, AV acknowledges support from the European Research Council under grant agreement ERC-stg-757258 (TRIPLE). DM acknowledges A. Dabbech for useful interactions about IUWT and support from the GDR ISIS through the Projets exploratoires program (project TASTY). AF acknowledges the support from grant PRIN MIUR2017-20173ML3WW_001. SLZ acknowledges support by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) through a TOP Grant Module 1 under project number 614.001.652. This research made use of the following open-source software and we are thankful to the developers of these: GNU Octave (Eaton et al. 2018) and its statistics, signal and image packages, the Python packages Matplotlib (Hunter 2007), Numpy (van der Walt et al. 2010), MPDAF (Piqueras et al. 2017), Astropy (Astropy Collaboration 2018), PyWavelets (Lee et al. 2019).","article_processing_charge":"No","keyword":["Space and Planetary Science","Astronomy and Astrophysics","galaxies: high-redshift / galaxies: groups: general / cosmology: observations"],"scopus_import":"1","article_number":"A107","date_created":"2022-07-06T09:31:50Z","citation":{"chicago":"Bacon, R., D. Mary, T. Garel, J. Blaizot, M. Maseda, J. Schaye, L. Wisotzki, et al. “The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: The Cosmic Web in Emission at High Redshift.” Astronomy & Astrophysics. EDP Sciences, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202039887.","apa":"Bacon, R., Mary, D., Garel, T., Blaizot, J., Maseda, M., Schaye, J., … Zoutendijk, S. L. (2021). The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: The cosmic web in emission at high redshift. Astronomy & Astrophysics. EDP Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202039887","ieee":"R. Bacon et al., “The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: The cosmic web in emission at high redshift,” Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 647. EDP Sciences, 2021.","ama":"Bacon R, Mary D, Garel T, et al. The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: The cosmic web in emission at high redshift. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2021;647. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039887","short":"R. Bacon, D. Mary, T. Garel, J. Blaizot, M. Maseda, J. Schaye, L. Wisotzki, S. Conseil, J. Brinchmann, F. Leclercq, V. Abril-Melgarejo, L. Boogaard, N.F. Bouché, T. Contini, A. Feltre, B. Guiderdoni, C. Herenz, W. Kollatschny, H. Kusakabe, J.J. Matthee, L. Michel-Dansac, T. Nanayakkara, J. Richard, M. Roth, K.B. Schmidt, M. Steinmetz, L. Tresse, T. Urrutia, A. Verhamme, P.M. Weilbacher, J. Zabl, S.L. Zoutendijk, Astronomy & Astrophysics 647 (2021).","ista":"Bacon R, Mary D, Garel T, Blaizot J, Maseda M, Schaye J, Wisotzki L, Conseil S, Brinchmann J, Leclercq F, Abril-Melgarejo V, Boogaard L, Bouché NF, Contini T, Feltre A, Guiderdoni B, Herenz C, Kollatschny W, Kusakabe H, Matthee JJ, Michel-Dansac L, Nanayakkara T, Richard J, Roth M, Schmidt KB, Steinmetz M, Tresse L, Urrutia T, Verhamme A, Weilbacher PM, Zabl J, Zoutendijk SL. 2021. The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: The cosmic web in emission at high redshift. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 647, A107.","mla":"Bacon, R., et al. “The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: The Cosmic Web in Emission at High Redshift.” Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 647, A107, EDP Sciences, 2021, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039887."},"type":"journal_article"}