{"doi":"10.5281/ZENODO.8133960","_id":"14279","has_accepted_license":"1","month":"07","title":"Source data for the manuscript \"CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate collective leukocyte migration\"","oa_version":"Published Version","citation":{"short":"M.C. Ucar, (2023).","apa":"Ucar, M. C. (2023). Source data for the manuscript “CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate collective leukocyte migration.” Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.8133960","ista":"Ucar MC. 2023. Source data for the manuscript ‘CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate collective leukocyte migration’, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.8133960.","ama":"Ucar MC. Source data for the manuscript “CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate collective leukocyte migration.” 2023. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8133960","ieee":"M. C. Ucar, “Source data for the manuscript ‘CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate collective leukocyte migration.’” Zenodo, 2023.","chicago":"Ucar, Mehmet C. “Source Data for the Manuscript ‘CCR7 Acts as Both a Sensor and a Sink for CCL19 to Coordinate Collective Leukocyte Migration.’” Zenodo, 2023. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.8133960.","mla":"Ucar, Mehmet C. Source Data for the Manuscript “CCR7 Acts as Both a Sensor and a Sink for CCL19 to Coordinate Collective Leukocyte Migration.” Zenodo, 2023, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8133960."},"type":"research_data_reference","oa":1,"publisher":"Zenodo","author":[{"id":"50B2A802-6007-11E9-A42B-EB23E6697425","last_name":"Ucar","first_name":"Mehmet C","orcid":"0000-0003-0506-4217","full_name":"Ucar, Mehmet C"}],"related_material":{"record":[{"relation":"used_in_publication","status":"public","id":"14274"}]},"user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","license":"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8133960"}],"department":[{"_id":"EdHa"}],"tmp":{"name":"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0)","short":"CC BY (4.0)","legal_code_url":"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode","image":"/images/cc_by.png"},"date_updated":"2023-10-03T11:42:58Z","status":"public","date_created":"2023-09-06T08:39:25Z","abstract":[{"text":"The zip file includes source data used in the manuscript \"CCR7 acts as both a sensor and a sink for CCL19 to coordinate collective leukocyte migration\", as well as a representative Jupyter notebook to reproduce the main figures. Please see the preprint on bioRxiv and the DOI link there to access the final published version. Note the title change between the preprint and the published manuscript.\r\nA sample script for particle-based simulations of collective chemotaxis by self-generated gradients is also included (see Self-generated_chemotaxis_sample_script.ipynb) to generate exemplary cell trajectories. A detailed description of the simulation setup is provided in the supplementary information of the manuscipt.","lang":"eng"}],"day":"11","ddc":["570"],"year":"2023","date_published":"2023-07-11T00:00:00Z","article_processing_charge":"No"}