{"doi":"10.1103/PhysRevB.109.054405","day":"01","acknowledgement":"The authors thank Bernardo Pentke for the SEM micrographs (Departamento Fisicoquímica de Materiales CABCNEA). We are indebted to Julián Sereni for useful discussions. D. G. F. acknowledges financial support provided by Agencia I+D+i, Argentina, Grant No. PICT-2021-I-INVI00852 and Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (SIIP) Grant No. 06/C018-T1. A. A. A. acknowledges financial support provided by PICT 2018-01546 and PICT 2020A-03661 of the\r\nAgencia I+D+i. ","quality_controlled":"1","department":[{"_id":"KiMo"}],"volume":109,"citation":{"mla":"Franco, D. G., et al. “Frustrated Magnetism in Octahedra-Based Ce6 Ni6 P17.” Physical Review B, vol. 109, no. 5, 054405, American Physical Society, 2024, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.109.054405.","apa":"Franco, D. G., Avalos, R., Hafner, D., Modic, K. A., Prots, Y., Stockert, O., … Geibel, C. (2024). Frustrated magnetism in octahedra-based Ce6 Ni6 P17. Physical Review B. American Physical Society. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.054405","ieee":"D. G. Franco et al., “Frustrated magnetism in octahedra-based Ce6 Ni6 P17,” Physical Review B, vol. 109, no. 5. American Physical Society, 2024.","short":"D.G. Franco, R. Avalos, D. Hafner, K.A. Modic, Y. Prots, O. Stockert, A. Hoser, P.J.W. Moll, M. Brando, A.A. Aligia, C. Geibel, Physical Review B 109 (2024).","ama":"Franco DG, Avalos R, Hafner D, et al. Frustrated magnetism in octahedra-based Ce6 Ni6 P17. Physical Review B. 2024;109(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.109.054405","chicago":"Franco, D. G., R. Avalos, D. Hafner, Kimberly A Modic, Yu Prots, O. Stockert, A. Hoser, et al. “Frustrated Magnetism in Octahedra-Based Ce6 Ni6 P17.” Physical Review B. American Physical Society, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.054405.","ista":"Franco DG, Avalos R, Hafner D, Modic KA, Prots Y, Stockert O, Hoser A, Moll PJW, Brando M, Aligia AA, Geibel C. 2024. Frustrated magnetism in octahedra-based Ce6 Ni6 P17. Physical Review B. 109(5), 054405."},"oa_version":"None","article_processing_charge":"No","intvolume":" 109","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"publisher":"American Physical Society","title":"Frustrated magnetism in octahedra-based Ce6 Ni6 P17","status":"public","scopus_import":"1","date_created":"2024-02-18T23:01:01Z","_id":"15003","article_type":"original","abstract":[{"text":"Magnetic frustration allows to access novel and intriguing properties of magnetic systems and has been explored mainly in planar triangular-like arrays of magnetic ions. In this work, we describe the phosphide Ce6Ni6P17, where the Ce+3 ions accommodate in a body-centered cubic lattice of Ce6 regular octahedra. From measurements of magnetization, specific heat, and resistivity, we determine a rich phase diagram as a function of temperature and magnetic field in which different magnetic phases are found. Besides clear evidence of magnetic frustration is obtained from entropy analysis. At zero field, a second-order antiferromagnetic transition occurs at TN1≈1 K followed by a first-order transition at TN2≈0.45 K. With magnetic field new magnetic phases appear, including a weakly first-order transition which ends in a classical critical point and a third magnetic phase. We also study the exact solution of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model in an octahedron which allows us a qualitative understanding of the phase diagram and compare with the experimental results.","lang":"eng"}],"publication_status":"published","user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","author":[{"first_name":"D. G.","full_name":"Franco, D. G.","last_name":"Franco"},{"last_name":"Avalos","full_name":"Avalos, R.","first_name":"R."},{"first_name":"D.","last_name":"Hafner","full_name":"Hafner, D."},{"full_name":"Modic, Kimberly A","last_name":"Modic","id":"13C26AC0-EB69-11E9-87C6-5F3BE6697425","first_name":"Kimberly A","orcid":"0000-0001-9760-3147"},{"first_name":"Yu","last_name":"Prots","full_name":"Prots, Yu"},{"first_name":"O.","full_name":"Stockert, O.","last_name":"Stockert"},{"full_name":"Hoser, A.","last_name":"Hoser","first_name":"A."},{"full_name":"Moll, P. J.W.","last_name":"Moll","first_name":"P. J.W."},{"first_name":"M.","last_name":"Brando","full_name":"Brando, M."},{"last_name":"Aligia","full_name":"Aligia, A. A.","first_name":"A. A."},{"first_name":"C.","full_name":"Geibel, C.","last_name":"Geibel"}],"type":"journal_article","issue":"5","year":"2024","date_updated":"2024-02-26T09:50:10Z","publication":"Physical Review B","date_published":"2024-02-01T00:00:00Z","month":"02","article_number":"054405","publication_identifier":{"eissn":["2469-9969"],"issn":["2469-9950"]}}