{"oa_version":"Preprint","status":"public","author":[{"full_name":"Attia, Luc","first_name":"Luc","last_name":"Attia"},{"last_name":"Lichev","first_name":"Lyuben","full_name":"Lichev, Lyuben"},{"first_name":"Dieter","last_name":"Mitsche","full_name":"Mitsche, Dieter"},{"id":"BD1DF4C4-D767-11E9-B658-BC13E6697425","orcid":"0000-0001-5103-038X","full_name":"Saona Urmeneta, Raimundo J","first_name":"Raimundo J","last_name":"Saona Urmeneta"},{"full_name":"Ziliotto, Bruno","first_name":"Bruno","last_name":"Ziliotto"}],"_id":"17101","citation":{"short":"L. Attia, L. Lichev, D. Mitsche, R.J. Saona Urmeneta, B. Ziliotto, ArXiv (n.d.).","ista":"Attia L, Lichev L, Mitsche D, Saona Urmeneta RJ, Ziliotto B. Zero-sum random games on directed graphs. arXiv, 2401.16252.","apa":"Attia, L., Lichev, L., Mitsche, D., Saona Urmeneta, R. J., & Ziliotto, B. (n.d.). Zero-sum random games on directed graphs. arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.16252","mla":"Attia, Luc, et al. “Zero-Sum Random Games on Directed Graphs.” ArXiv, 2401.16252, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2401.16252.","ama":"Attia L, Lichev L, Mitsche D, Saona Urmeneta RJ, Ziliotto B. Zero-sum random games on directed graphs. arXiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2401.16252","chicago":"Attia, Luc, Lyuben Lichev, Dieter Mitsche, Raimundo J Saona Urmeneta, and Bruno Ziliotto. “Zero-Sum Random Games on Directed Graphs.” ArXiv, n.d. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.16252.","ieee":"L. Attia, L. Lichev, D. Mitsche, R. J. Saona Urmeneta, and B. Ziliotto, “Zero-sum random games on directed graphs,” arXiv. ."},"day":"29","oa":1,"user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","doi":"10.48550/arXiv.2401.16252","year":"2024","title":"Zero-sum random games on directed graphs","acknowledgement":"This work was supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under references ANR-21-CE40-0020 (CONVERGENCE project) and ANR-20-CE40-0002 (GrHyDy), and by Fondecyt grant 1220174. This collaboration was mainly conducted during a 1-year visit of Bruno Ziliotto to the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) at University of Chile in 2023,\r\nunder the IRL program of CNRS.","article_processing_charge":"No","date_created":"2024-06-03T07:45:22Z","date_published":"2024-01-29T00:00:00Z","month":"01","date_updated":"2024-06-03T07:50:29Z","external_id":{"arxiv":["2401.16252"]},"publication":"arXiv","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"department":[{"_id":"KrCh"}],"type":"preprint","article_number":"2401.16252","abstract":[{"text":"This paper considers a class of two-player zero-sum games on directed graphs whose vertices are equipped with random payoffs of bounded support known by both players.\r\nStarting from a fixed vertex, players take turns to move a token along the edges of the graph.\r\nOn the one hand, for acyclic directed graphs of bounded degree and sub-exponential expansion, we show that the value of the game converges almost surely to a constant at an exponential rate dominated in terms of the expansion.\r\nOn the other hand, for the infinite d-ary tree that does not fall into the previous class of graphs, we show convergence at a double-exponential rate in terms of the expansion.","lang":"eng"}],"publication_status":"submitted","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.16252"}]}