{"doi":"10.1038/s41550-024-02304-w","article_processing_charge":"No","user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","oa_version":"None","page":"1088-1101","type":"journal_article","title":"Supergranular-scale solar convection not explained by mixing-length theory","abstract":[{"text":"Supergranules, which are solar flow features with a lateral scale of 30,000–40,000 km and a lifetime of ~24 h, form a prominent component of the Sun’s convective spectrum. However, their internal flows, which can be probed only by helioseismology, are not well understood. We analyse dopplergrams recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite to identify and characterize ~23,000 supergranules. We find that the vertical flows peak at a depth of ~10,000 km, and remain invariant over the full range of lateral supergranular scales, contrary to numerical predictions. We also infer that, within the local seismic resolution (≳5,000 km), downflows are ~40% weaker than upflows, indicating an apparent mass-flux imbalance. This may imply that the descending flows also comprise plumes, which maintain the mass balance but are simply too small to be detected by seismic waves. These results challenge the widely used mixing-length description of solar convection.","lang":"eng"}],"quality_controlled":"1","publication_identifier":{"eissn":["2397-3366"]},"month":"09","OA_type":"closed access","date_updated":"2025-01-09T10:53:46Z","intvolume":" 8","scopus_import":"1","_id":"17189","publication_status":"published","date_created":"2024-06-30T22:01:05Z","citation":{"ieee":"C. S. Hanson, S. B. Das, P. Mani, S. Hanasoge, and K. R. Sreenivasan, “Supergranular-scale solar convection not explained by mixing-length theory,” Nature Astronomy, vol. 8. Springer Nature, pp. 1088–1101, 2024.","short":"C.S. Hanson, S.B. Das, P. Mani, S. Hanasoge, K.R. Sreenivasan, Nature Astronomy 8 (2024) 1088–1101.","ama":"Hanson CS, Das SB, Mani P, Hanasoge S, Sreenivasan KR. Supergranular-scale solar convection not explained by mixing-length theory. Nature Astronomy. 2024;8:1088-1101. doi:10.1038/s41550-024-02304-w","chicago":"Hanson, Chris S., Srijan B Das, Prasad Mani, Shravan Hanasoge, and Katepalli R. Sreenivasan. “Supergranular-Scale Solar Convection Not Explained by Mixing-Length Theory.” Nature Astronomy. Springer Nature, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-024-02304-w.","mla":"Hanson, Chris S., et al. “Supergranular-Scale Solar Convection Not Explained by Mixing-Length Theory.” Nature Astronomy, vol. 8, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 1088–101, doi:10.1038/s41550-024-02304-w.","apa":"Hanson, C. S., Das, S. B., Mani, P., Hanasoge, S., & Sreenivasan, K. R. (2024). Supergranular-scale solar convection not explained by mixing-length theory. Nature Astronomy. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-024-02304-w","ista":"Hanson CS, Das SB, Mani P, Hanasoge S, Sreenivasan KR. 2024. Supergranular-scale solar convection not explained by mixing-length theory. Nature Astronomy. 8, 1088–1101."},"ec_funded":1,"article_type":"original","day":"01","status":"public","author":[{"first_name":"Chris S.","full_name":"Hanson, Chris S.","last_name":"Hanson"},{"id":"9ce7c423-dacf-11ed-8942-e09c6cb27149","full_name":"Das, Srijan B","last_name":"Das","first_name":"Srijan B","orcid":"0000-0003-0896-7972"},{"first_name":"Prasad","last_name":"Mani","full_name":"Mani, Prasad"},{"first_name":"Shravan","last_name":"Hanasoge","full_name":"Hanasoge, Shravan"},{"first_name":"Katepalli R.","full_name":"Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.","last_name":"Sreenivasan"}],"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"department":[{"_id":"LiBu"}],"publication":"Nature Astronomy","publisher":"Springer Nature","volume":8,"project":[{"_id":"fc2ed2f7-9c52-11eb-aca3-c01059dda49c","grant_number":"101034413","call_identifier":"H2020","name":"IST-BRIDGE: International postdoctoral program"}],"year":"2024","date_published":"2024-09-01T00:00:00Z","acknowledgement":"We thank F. J. Simons for the codes for computing Slepian functions,\r\nM. Rempel and R. Cameron for their insights into solar convection, J.\r\nW. Lord for the numerical simulations and J. Naranjo for his help with\r\nthe NYUAD NetDRMS system. This research was carried out with the\r\nHigh Performance Computing resources at NYUAD. The datasets were\r\nprepared in the data centre at the Center for Space Science of NYUAD.\r\nThis research is based upon work supported by Tamkeen under the\r\nNYUAD Research Institute (Grant Nos G1502 and CASS to C.S.H,\r\nS.H. and K.R.S.). S.H. acknowledges funding from the Department\r\nof Atomic Energy, India. K.R.S. and S.H. acknowledge support from\r\nthe Ofice of Sponsored Research of King Abdullah University of\r\nScience and Technology (Award No. OSR-CRG2020-4342). S.B.D.\r\nacknowledges funding from the Elisabeth H. and F. A. Dahlen Award\r\n2022 by the Department of Geosciences, Princeton University. S.B.D.\r\nalso acknowledges funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020\r\nresearch and innovation programme under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie\r\ngrant (Grant Agreement No. 101034413). Some data products were\r\nprocessed and downloaded from the German Data Center for SDO,\r\nwhich is funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR Grant No.\r\n500L1701)."}