{"author":[{"last_name":"Regan","full_name":"Regan, John A.","first_name":"John A."},{"last_name":"Visbal","first_name":"Eli","full_name":"Visbal, Eli"},{"first_name":"John H.","full_name":"Wise, John H.","last_name":"Wise"},{"first_name":"Zoltán","full_name":"Haiman, Zoltán","id":"7c006e8c-cc0d-11ee-8322-cb904ef76f36","last_name":"Haiman"},{"last_name":"Johansson","first_name":"Peter H.","full_name":"Johansson, Peter H."},{"full_name":"Bryan, Greg L.","first_name":"Greg L.","last_name":"Bryan"}],"date_created":"2024-09-06T07:45:20Z","user_id":"317138e5-6ab7-11ef-aa6d-ffef3953e345","day":"13","status":"public","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":" https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1703.03805"}],"article_type":"original","date_published":"2017-03-13T00:00:00Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"issue":"4","type":"journal_article","publisher":"Springer Science and Business Media LLC","oa_version":"Preprint","citation":{"apa":"Regan, J. A., Visbal, E., Wise, J. H., Haiman, Z., Johansson, P. H., & Bryan, G. L. (2017). Rapid formation of massive black holes in close proximity to embryonic protogalaxies. Nature Astronomy. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-017-0075","chicago":"Regan, John A., Eli Visbal, John H. Wise, Zoltán Haiman, Peter H. Johansson, and Greg L. Bryan. “Rapid Formation of Massive Black Holes in Close Proximity to Embryonic Protogalaxies.” Nature Astronomy. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-017-0075.","short":"J.A. Regan, E. Visbal, J.H. Wise, Z. Haiman, P.H. Johansson, G.L. Bryan, Nature Astronomy 1 (2017).","ama":"Regan JA, Visbal E, Wise JH, Haiman Z, Johansson PH, Bryan GL. Rapid formation of massive black holes in close proximity to embryonic protogalaxies. Nature Astronomy. 2017;1(4). doi:10.1038/s41550-017-0075","ieee":"J. A. Regan, E. Visbal, J. H. Wise, Z. Haiman, P. H. Johansson, and G. L. Bryan, “Rapid formation of massive black holes in close proximity to embryonic protogalaxies,” Nature Astronomy, vol. 1, no. 4. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017.","ista":"Regan JA, Visbal E, Wise JH, Haiman Z, Johansson PH, Bryan GL. 2017. Rapid formation of massive black holes in close proximity to embryonic protogalaxies. Nature Astronomy. 1(4), 0075.","mla":"Regan, John A., et al. “Rapid Formation of Massive Black Holes in Close Proximity to Embryonic Protogalaxies.” Nature Astronomy, vol. 1, no. 4, 0075, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017, doi:10.1038/s41550-017-0075."},"date_updated":"2024-09-25T07:54:31Z","article_number":"0075","oa":1,"quality_controlled":"1","scopus_import":"1","month":"03","publication_identifier":{"issn":["2397-3366"]},"year":"2017","publication":"Nature Astronomy","doi":"10.1038/s41550-017-0075","publication_status":"published","abstract":[{"text":"The Direct Collapse Black Hole (DCBH) scenario provides a solution for forming the massive black holes powering bright quasars observed in the early Universe. A prerequisite for forming a DCBH is that the formation of (much less massive) Population III stars be avoided - this can be achieved by destroying H2 via Lyman-Werner (LW) radiation (ELW = 12.6 eV). We find that two conditions must be met in the proto-galaxy that will host the DCBH. First, prior star formation must be delayed; this can be achieved with a background LW flux of JBG≳100 J21. Second, an intense burst of LW radiation from a neighbouring star-bursting proto-galaxy is required, just before the gas cloud undergoes gravitational collapse, to finally suppress star formation completely. We show here for the first time using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations, including full radiative transfer, that this low-level background, combined with tight synchronisation and irradiation of a secondary proto-galaxy by a primary proto-galaxy, inevitably moves the secondary proto-galaxy onto the isothermal atomic cooling track, without the deleterious effects of either photo-evaporating the gas or polluting it by heavy elements. These, atomically cooled, massive proto-galaxies are expected to ultimately form a DCBH of mass 104−105M⊙.","lang":"eng"}],"external_id":{"arxiv":["1703.03805"]},"intvolume":" 1","article_processing_charge":"No","volume":1,"_id":"17667","extern":"1","title":"Rapid formation of massive black holes in close proximity to embryonic protogalaxies"}