{"publisher":"EDP Sciences","title":"A first look at spatially resolved star formation at 4.8 < z < 6.5 with JWST FRESCO NIRCam slitless spectroscopy","file_date_updated":"2024-10-21T11:45:35Z","day":"01","article_number":"A64","publication":"Astronomy and Astrophysics","has_accepted_license":"1","user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","year":"2024","department":[{"_id":"JoMa"}],"tmp":{"name":"Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY 4.0)","short":"CC BY (4.0)","image":"/images/cc_by.png","legal_code_url":"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode"},"ddc":["520"],"publication_status":"published","doi":"10.1051/0004-6361/202450522","article_type":"original","OA_place":"publisher","month":"10","author":[{"first_name":"Jasleen","full_name":"Matharu, Jasleen","last_name":"Matharu"},{"last_name":"Nelson","first_name":"Erica J.","full_name":"Nelson, Erica J."},{"full_name":"Brammer, Gabriel","first_name":"Gabriel","last_name":"Brammer"},{"full_name":"Oesch, Pascal A.","first_name":"Pascal A.","last_name":"Oesch"},{"last_name":"Allen","first_name":"Natalie","full_name":"Allen, Natalie"},{"full_name":"Shivaei, Irene","first_name":"Irene","last_name":"Shivaei"},{"full_name":"Naidu, Rohan P.","first_name":"Rohan P.","last_name":"Naidu"},{"last_name":"Chisholm","first_name":"John","full_name":"Chisholm, John"},{"full_name":"Covelo-Paz, Alba","first_name":"Alba","last_name":"Covelo-Paz"},{"full_name":"Fudamoto, Yoshinobu","first_name":"Yoshinobu","last_name":"Fudamoto"},{"first_name":"Emma","full_name":"Giovinazzo, Emma","last_name":"Giovinazzo"},{"first_name":"Thomas","full_name":"Herard-Demanche, Thomas","last_name":"Herard-Demanche"},{"full_name":"Kerutt, Josephine","first_name":"Josephine","last_name":"Kerutt"},{"last_name":"Kramarenko","orcid":"0000-0001-5346-6048","id":"9a9394cb-3200-11ee-973b-f5ba2a8b16e4","full_name":"Kramarenko, Ivan","first_name":"Ivan"},{"full_name":"Marchesini, Danilo","first_name":"Danilo","last_name":"Marchesini"},{"full_name":"Meyer, Romain A.","first_name":"Romain A.","last_name":"Meyer"},{"last_name":"Prieto-Lyon","first_name":"Gonzalo","full_name":"Prieto-Lyon, Gonzalo"},{"first_name":"Naveen","full_name":"Reddy, Naveen","last_name":"Reddy"},{"first_name":"Marko","full_name":"Shuntov, Marko","last_name":"Shuntov"},{"full_name":"Weibel, Andrea","first_name":"Andrea","last_name":"Weibel"},{"full_name":"Wuyts, Stijn","first_name":"Stijn","last_name":"Wuyts"},{"full_name":"Xiao, Mengyuan","first_name":"Mengyuan","last_name":"Xiao"}],"publication_identifier":{"eissn":["1432-0746"],"issn":["0004-6361"]},"volume":690,"date_published":"2024-10-01T00:00:00Z","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"We present the first results on the spatial distribution of star formation in 454 star-forming galaxies just after the epoch of reionisation (4.8 < z < 6.5) using Hα emission-line maps and F444W imaging that traces the stellar continuum from the JWST FRESCO NIRCam Slitless Spectroscopy Survey. The Hα equivalent width profiles of star-forming galaxies across the main sequence at z ∼ 5.3 with stellar masses 6.8≤ log(M*/M⊙) < 11.1 increase with radius, which provides direct evidence for the inside-out growth of star-forming galaxies just after the epoch of reionisation. GALFIT was used to calculate half-light radii, Reff, and central surface densities within 1 kiloparsec, Σ1kpc of Hα and the continuum. At a fixed stellar mass of Log(M*/M⊙) = 9.5, Σ1kpc, Hα is 1.04 ± 0.05 times higher than Σ1kpc, C, Reff, Hα is 1.18 ± 0.03 times larger than Reff, C and both Reff measurements are smaller than 1 kiloparsec. These measurements suggest the rapid build-up of compact bulges via star formation just after the epoch of reionisation. By comparison to analogous work done at lower redshifts with Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 slitless spectroscopy as part of the 3D-HST (z ∼ 1) and CLEAR (z ∼ 0.5) surveys, we find that Reff(z) evolves at the same pace for Hα and the continuum, but Σ1kpc(z) evolves faster for Hα than the stellar continuum. As a function of the Hubble parameter, Reff, Hα/Reff,C = 1.1h(z) and Σ1 kpc, Hα/Σ1 kpc,C = h(z)1.3. These parametrisations suggest that the inside-out growth of the disk starts to dominate the inside-out growth of the bulge towards lower redshifts. This is supported by the redshift evolution in the EW(Hα) profiles from FRESCO, 3D-HST, and CLEAR at fixed stellar mass and when star-forming progenitors are traced, in which in EW(Hα) rapidly increases with radius within the half-light radius at z ∼ 5.3, but EW(Hα) increases only significantly with radius in the outer disk at z ∼ 0.5."}],"file":[{"date_created":"2024-10-21T11:45:35Z","content_type":"application/pdf","file_size":825494,"creator":"dernst","file_name":"2024_AstronomyAstrophysics_Matharu.pdf","access_level":"open_access","relation":"main_file","date_updated":"2024-10-21T11:45:35Z","checksum":"10ae78291aa9fa9a9e64724c42d91588","file_id":"18457","success":1}],"article_processing_charge":"Yes (in subscription journal)","date_created":"2024-10-20T22:02:06Z","quality_controlled":"1","OA_type":"hybrid","oa_version":"Published Version","acknowledgement":"JM is grateful to the Cosmic Dawn Center for the DAWN Fellowship. JM thanks Adam Muzzin, Viola Gelli and Anne Hutter for useful discussions that led to improvements in the analysis presented in this paper. This work is based on observations made with the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. The raw data were obtained from the Mikulski Archive for\r\nSpace Telescopes at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-03127 for JWST. These observations are associated with JWST Cycle 1 GO program #1895. Support for program JWST-GO-1895 was provided by NASA through a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Associations of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555. The Cosmic Dawn Center DAWN) is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation under grant DNRF140.\r\nThis work has received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number MB22.00072, as well as from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through project grant 200020_207349. RPN thanks the NASA Hubble Fellowshp Program for the Hubble Fellowship. DM acknowledges funding from JWST-GO-01895.013, provided through a grant from the STScI under NASA contract NAS5-03127.","type":"journal_article","scopus_import":"1","citation":{"mla":"Matharu, Jasleen, et al. “A First Look at Spatially Resolved Star Formation at 4.8 < z < 6.5 with JWST FRESCO NIRCam Slitless Spectroscopy.” Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 690, A64, EDP Sciences, 2024, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450522.","ieee":"J. Matharu et al., “A first look at spatially resolved star formation at 4.8 < z < 6.5 with JWST FRESCO NIRCam slitless spectroscopy,” Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 690. EDP Sciences, 2024.","short":"J. Matharu, E.J. Nelson, G. Brammer, P.A. Oesch, N. Allen, I. Shivaei, R.P. Naidu, J. Chisholm, A. Covelo-Paz, Y. Fudamoto, E. Giovinazzo, T. Herard-Demanche, J. Kerutt, I. Kramarenko, D. Marchesini, R.A. Meyer, G. Prieto-Lyon, N. Reddy, M. Shuntov, A. Weibel, S. Wuyts, M. Xiao, Astronomy and Astrophysics 690 (2024).","apa":"Matharu, J., Nelson, E. J., Brammer, G., Oesch, P. A., Allen, N., Shivaei, I., … Xiao, M. (2024). A first look at spatially resolved star formation at 4.8 < z < 6.5 with JWST FRESCO NIRCam slitless spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics. EDP Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202450522","ista":"Matharu J, Nelson EJ, Brammer G, Oesch PA, Allen N, Shivaei I, Naidu RP, Chisholm J, Covelo-Paz A, Fudamoto Y, Giovinazzo E, Herard-Demanche T, Kerutt J, Kramarenko I, Marchesini D, Meyer RA, Prieto-Lyon G, Reddy N, Shuntov M, Weibel A, Wuyts S, Xiao M. 2024. A first look at spatially resolved star formation at 4.8 < z < 6.5 with JWST FRESCO NIRCam slitless spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 690, A64.","ama":"Matharu J, Nelson EJ, Brammer G, et al. A first look at spatially resolved star formation at 4.8 < z < 6.5 with JWST FRESCO NIRCam slitless spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2024;690. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450522","chicago":"Matharu, Jasleen, Erica J. Nelson, Gabriel Brammer, Pascal A. Oesch, Natalie Allen, Irene Shivaei, Rohan P. Naidu, et al. “A First Look at Spatially Resolved Star Formation at 4.8 < z < 6.5 with JWST FRESCO NIRCam Slitless Spectroscopy.” Astronomy and Astrophysics. EDP Sciences, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202450522."},"oa":1,"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"external_id":{"arxiv":["2404.17629"]},"date_updated":"2024-10-21T11:49:03Z","_id":"18447","status":"public","intvolume":" 690"}