{"publisher":"Biomedical Research Foundation","volume":15,"conference":{"name":"Unknown (0388-6107)"},"publication_status":"published","_id":"2548","title":"Induction mechanism of long term depression in cultured Purkinje neurons","issue":"SUPPL. 1","month":"01","citation":{"short":"T. Hirano, K. Kasono, R. Shigemoto, S. Nakanishi, in:, Biomedical Research Foundation, 1994, pp. 79–81.","apa":"Hirano, T., Kasono, K., Shigemoto, R., & Nakanishi, S. (1994). Induction mechanism of long term depression in cultured Purkinje neurons (Vol. 15, pp. 79–81). Presented at the Unknown (0388-6107), Biomedical Research Foundation.","ama":"Hirano T, Kasono K, Shigemoto R, Nakanishi S. Induction mechanism of long term depression in cultured Purkinje neurons. In: Vol 15. Biomedical Research Foundation; 1994:79-81.","ista":"Hirano T, Kasono K, Shigemoto R, Nakanishi S. 1994. Induction mechanism of long term depression in cultured Purkinje neurons. Unknown (0388-6107), Biomedical Research, vol. 15, 79–81.","ieee":"T. Hirano, K. Kasono, R. Shigemoto, and S. Nakanishi, “Induction mechanism of long term depression in cultured Purkinje neurons,” presented at the Unknown (0388-6107), 1994, vol. 15, no. SUPPL. 1, pp. 79–81.","chicago":"Hirano, Tomoo, Keizo Kasono, Ryuichi Shigemoto, and Shigetada Nakanishi. “Induction Mechanism of Long Term Depression in Cultured Purkinje Neurons,” 15:79–81. Biomedical Research Foundation, 1994.","mla":"Hirano, Tomoo, et al. Induction Mechanism of Long Term Depression in Cultured Purkinje Neurons. Vol. 15, no. SUPPL. 1, Biomedical Research Foundation, 1994, pp. 79–81."},"type":"conference","alternative_title":["Biomedical Research"],"intvolume":" 15","date_updated":"2021-01-12T06:58:10Z","date_created":"2018-12-11T11:58:19Z","status":"public","abstract":[{"text":"The induction mechanism of cerebellar long term depression (LTD) has been analysed in a cerebellar culture. Using nitr-5, a photolabile Ca chelator, we demonstrated that an increase in postsynaptic Ca together with glutamate application is sufficient to induce the LTD of glutamate responsiveness in Purkinje cells. It has also been shown that one subtype of genetically defined metabotropic glutamate receptor, mGluR1, is involved in the LTD induction. We raised antibodies which specifically recognized mGluR1 and inactivated its function. The antibodies suppressed the LTD induction in the cultured Purkinje cells.","lang":"eng"}],"year":"1994","day":"01","quality_controlled":0,"date_published":"1994-01-01T00:00:00Z","author":[{"last_name":"Hirano","full_name":"Hirano, Tomoo","first_name":"Tomoo"},{"last_name":"Kasono","first_name":"Keizo","full_name":"Kasono, Keizo"},{"first_name":"Ryuichi","orcid":"0000-0001-8761-9444","full_name":"Ryuichi Shigemoto","id":"499F3ABC-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","last_name":"Shigemoto"},{"last_name":"Nakanishi","first_name":"Shigetada","full_name":"Nakanishi, Shigetada"}],"extern":1,"publist_id":"4350","page":"79 - 81"}