{"page":"1501 - 1510","status":"public","extern":1,"issue":"4","publist_id":"3884","quality_controlled":0,"publisher":"American Society of Plant Biologists","intvolume":" 159","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Phyllotaxis, the regular arrangement of leaves and flowers around the stem, is a key feature of plant architecture. Current models propose that the spatiotemporal regulation of organ initiation is controlled by a positive feedback loop between the plant hormone auxin and its efflux carrier PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Consequently, pin1 mutants give rise to naked inflorescence stalks with few or no flowers, indicating that PIN1 plays a crucial role in organ initiation. However, pin1 mutants do produce leaves. In order to understand the regulatory mechanisms controlling leaf initiation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) rosettes, we have characterized the vegetative pin1 phenotype in detail. We show that although the timing of leaf initiation in vegetative pin1 mutants is variable and divergence angles clearly deviate from the canonical 137° value, leaves are not positioned at random during early developmental stages. Our data further indicate that other PIN proteins are unlikely to explain the persistence of leaf initiation and positioning during pin1 vegetative development. Thus, phyllotaxis appears to be more complex than suggested by current mechanistic models."}],"year":"2012","_id":"2878","volume":159,"month":"08","date_updated":"2021-01-12T07:00:26Z","author":[{"first_name":"Bernadette","last_name":"Guenot","full_name":"Guenot, Bernadette"},{"first_name":"Emmanuelle","full_name":"Bayer, Emmanuelle","last_name":"Bayer"},{"first_name":"Daniel","full_name":"Kierzkowski, Daniel","last_name":"Kierzkowski"},{"first_name":"Richard","full_name":"Smith, Richard S","last_name":"Smith"},{"full_name":"Mandel, Therese","last_name":"Mandel","first_name":"Therese"},{"full_name":"Žádníková, Petra","last_name":"Žádníková","first_name":"Petra"},{"first_name":"Eva","last_name":"Benková","full_name":"Eva Benková","id":"38F4F166-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","orcid":"0000-0002-8510-9739"},{"last_name":"Kuhlemeier","full_name":"Kuhlemeier, Cris","first_name":"Cris"}],"title":"Pin1 independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis","doi":"10.1104/pp.112.200402","day":"01","date_created":"2018-12-11T12:00:06Z","publication_status":"published","publication":"Plant Physiology","date_published":"2012-08-01T00:00:00Z","type":"journal_article","citation":{"mla":"Guenot, Bernadette, et al. “Pin1 Independent Leaf Initiation in Arabidopsis.” Plant Physiology, vol. 159, no. 4, American Society of Plant Biologists, 2012, pp. 1501–10, doi:10.1104/pp.112.200402.","ama":"Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, et al. Pin1 independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 2012;159(4):1501-1510. doi:10.1104/pp.112.200402","ieee":"B. Guenot et al., “Pin1 independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis,” Plant Physiology, vol. 159, no. 4. American Society of Plant Biologists, pp. 1501–1510, 2012.","ista":"Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith R, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C. 2012. Pin1 independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 159(4), 1501–1510.","short":"B. Guenot, E. Bayer, D. Kierzkowski, R. Smith, T. Mandel, P. Žádníková, E. Benková, C. Kuhlemeier, Plant Physiology 159 (2012) 1501–1510.","apa":"Guenot, B., Bayer, E., Kierzkowski, D., Smith, R., Mandel, T., Žádníková, P., … Kuhlemeier, C. (2012). Pin1 independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. American Society of Plant Biologists. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.112.200402","chicago":"Guenot, Bernadette, Emmanuelle Bayer, Daniel Kierzkowski, Richard Smith, Therese Mandel, Petra Žádníková, Eva Benková, and Cris Kuhlemeier. “Pin1 Independent Leaf Initiation in Arabidopsis.” Plant Physiology. American Society of Plant Biologists, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.112.200402."}}