{"publist_id":"3715","external_id":{"pmid":["11845211 "]},"issue":"6873","_id":"2986","status":"public","publisher":"Nature Publishing Group","scopus_import":"1","volume":415,"doi":"10.1038/415806a","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"Long-standing models propose that plant growth responses to light or gravity are mediated by asymmetric distribution of the phytohormone auxin. Physiological studies implicated a specific transport system that relocates auxin laterally, thereby effecting differential growth; however, neither the molecular components of this system nor the cellular mechanism of auxin redistribution on light or gravity perception have been identified. Here, we show that auxin accumulates asymmetrically during differential growth in an efflux-dependent manner. Mutations in the Arabidopsis gene PIN3, a regulator of auxin efflux, alter differential growth. PIN3 is expressed in gravity-sensing tissues, with PIN3 protein accumulating predominantly at the lateral cell surface. PIN3 localizes to the plasma membrane and to vesicles that cycle in an actin-dependent manner. In the root columella, PIN3 is positioned symmetrically at the plasma membrane but rapidly relocalizes laterally on gravity stimulation. Our data indicate that PIN3 is a component of the lateral auxin transport system regulating tropic growth. In addition, actin-dependent relocalization of PIN3 in response to gravity provides a mechanism for redirecting auxin flux to trigger asymmetric growth."}],"extern":"1","publication_status":"published","acknowledgement":"We thank G. Jürgens for enabling J.F. to accomplish part of this work in his laboratory; P. Tänzler and M. Sauer for technical assistance; H. Vahlenkamp for technical assistance in immunocytochemistry; M. Estelle for providing material and suggestions; T. Altman for BAC filter sets; the ADIS (Automated DNA Isolation and Sequencing) service group for DNA sequencing; ZIGIA (Center for Functional Genomics in Arabidopsis) for the En lines; and N. Geldner, T. Hamann, G. Jürgens, K. Schrick and C. Schwechheimer for comments and critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by a fellowship of the DAAD (J.F.), the DFG (Schwerpunktprogramm Phytohormone), the Fonds der chemischen Industrie, the European Communities Biotechnology Programs, the INCO-Copernicus Program and the European Space Agency MAP-Biotechnology Programme","article_processing_charge":"No","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0028-0836"]},"quality_controlled":"1","publication":"Nature","intvolume":" 415","date_updated":"2023-07-18T07:30:27Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"ea97e931-d5af-11eb-85d4-e6957dddbf17","date_created":"2018-12-11T12:00:42Z","type":"journal_article","article_type":"original","oa_version":"None","citation":{"apa":"Friml, J., Wiśniewska, J., Benková, E., Mendgen, K., & Palme, K. (2002). Lateral relocation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropism in Arabidopsis. Nature. Nature Publishing Group. https://doi.org/10.1038/415806a","chicago":"Friml, Jiří, Justyna Wiśniewska, Eva Benková, Kurt Mendgen, and Klaus Palme. “Lateral Relocation of Auxin Efflux Regulator PIN3 Mediates Tropism in Arabidopsis.” Nature. Nature Publishing Group, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1038/415806a.","ista":"Friml J, Wiśniewska J, Benková E, Mendgen K, Palme K. 2002. Lateral relocation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropism in Arabidopsis. Nature. 415(6873), 806–809.","ieee":"J. Friml, J. Wiśniewska, E. Benková, K. Mendgen, and K. Palme, “Lateral relocation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropism in Arabidopsis,” Nature, vol. 415, no. 6873. Nature Publishing Group, pp. 806–809, 2002.","short":"J. Friml, J. Wiśniewska, E. Benková, K. Mendgen, K. Palme, Nature 415 (2002) 806–809.","ama":"Friml J, Wiśniewska J, Benková E, Mendgen K, Palme K. Lateral relocation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropism in Arabidopsis. Nature. 2002;415(6873):806-809. doi:10.1038/415806a","mla":"Friml, Jiří, et al. “Lateral Relocation of Auxin Efflux Regulator PIN3 Mediates Tropism in Arabidopsis.” Nature, vol. 415, no. 6873, Nature Publishing Group, 2002, pp. 806–09, doi:10.1038/415806a."},"date_published":"2002-02-14T00:00:00Z","author":[{"id":"4159519E-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","last_name":"Friml","orcid":"0000-0002-8302-7596","full_name":"Friml, Jirí","first_name":"Jirí"},{"first_name":"Justyna","full_name":"Wiśniewska, Justyna","last_name":"Wiśniewska"},{"id":"38F4F166-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","last_name":"Benková","orcid":"0000-0002-8510-9739","first_name":"Eva","full_name":"Benková, Eva"},{"last_name":"Mendgen","full_name":"Mendgen, Kurt","first_name":"Kurt"},{"first_name":"Klaus","full_name":"Palme, Klaus","last_name":"Palme"}],"day":"14","page":"806 - 809","title":"Lateral relocation of auxin efflux regulator PIN3 mediates tropism in Arabidopsis","year":"2002","month":"02","pmid":1}