{"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"The hydra mutants of Arabidopsis are characterized by a pleiotropic phenotype that shows defective embryonic and seedling cell patterning, morphogenesis, and root growth. We demonstrate that the HYDRA1 gene encodes a Δ8-Δ7 sterol isomerase, whereas HYDRA2 encodes a sterol C14 reductase, previously identified as the FACKEL gene product. Seedlings mutant for each gene are similarly defective in the concentrations of the three major Arabidopsis sterols. Promoter::reporter gene analysis showed misexpression of the auxin-regulated DR5 and ACS1 promoters and of the epidermal cell file-specific GL2 promoter in the mutants. The mutants exhibit enhanced responses to auxin. The phenotypes can be rescued partially by inhibition of auxin and ethylene signaling but not by exogenous sterols or brassinosteroids. We propose a model in which correct sterol profiles are required for regulated auxin and ethylene signaling through effects on membrane function."}],"date_updated":"2023-07-18T07:34:32Z","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC150604/"}],"type":"journal_article","publication_identifier":{"issn":["1040-4651"]},"day":"01","publication":"Plant Cell","scopus_import":"1","publication_status":"published","citation":{"apa":"Souter, M., Topping, J., Pullen, M., Friml, J., Palme, K., Hackett, R., … Lindsey, K. (2002). Hydra mutants of Arabidopsis are defective in sterol profiles and auxin and ethylene signaling. Plant Cell. American Society of Plant Biologists. https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.001248","mla":"Souter, Martin, et al. “Hydra Mutants of Arabidopsis Are Defective in Sterol Profiles and Auxin and Ethylene Signaling.” Plant Cell, vol. 14, no. 5, American Society of Plant Biologists, 2002, pp. 1017–31, doi:10.1105/tpc.001248.","ieee":"M. Souter et al., “Hydra mutants of Arabidopsis are defective in sterol profiles and auxin and ethylene signaling,” Plant Cell, vol. 14, no. 5. American Society of Plant Biologists, pp. 1017–1031, 2002.","ama":"Souter M, Topping J, Pullen M, et al. Hydra mutants of Arabidopsis are defective in sterol profiles and auxin and ethylene signaling. Plant Cell. 2002;14(5):1017-1031. doi:10.1105/tpc.001248","ista":"Souter M, Topping J, Pullen M, Friml J, Palme K, Hackett R, Grierson D, Lindsey K. 2002. Hydra mutants of Arabidopsis are defective in sterol profiles and auxin and ethylene signaling. Plant Cell. 14(5), 1017–1031.","chicago":"Souter, Martin, Jennifer Topping, Margaret Pullen, Jiří Friml, Klaus Palme, Rachel Hackett, Don Grierson, and Keith Lindsey. “Hydra Mutants of Arabidopsis Are Defective in Sterol Profiles and Auxin and Ethylene Signaling.” Plant Cell. American Society of Plant Biologists, 2002. https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.001248.","short":"M. Souter, J. Topping, M. Pullen, J. Friml, K. Palme, R. Hackett, D. Grierson, K. Lindsey, Plant Cell 14 (2002) 1017–1031."},"date_published":"2002-05-01T00:00:00Z","external_id":{"pmid":["12034894"]},"intvolume":" 14","doi":"10.1105/tpc.001248","year":"2002","status":"public","article_processing_charge":"No","issue":"5","extern":"1","quality_controlled":"1","pmid":1,"_id":"2987","date_created":"2018-12-11T12:00:42Z","user_id":"ea97e931-d5af-11eb-85d4-e6957dddbf17","month":"05","publist_id":"3716","publisher":"American Society of Plant Biologists","page":"1017 - 1031","title":"Hydra mutants of Arabidopsis are defective in sterol profiles and auxin and ethylene signaling","author":[{"full_name":"Souter, Martin","first_name":"Martin","last_name":"Souter"},{"full_name":"Topping, Jennifer","last_name":"Topping","first_name":"Jennifer"},{"full_name":"Pullen, Margaret","first_name":"Margaret","last_name":"Pullen"},{"last_name":"Friml","id":"4159519E-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","first_name":"Jirí","full_name":"Friml, Jirí","orcid":"0000-0002-8302-7596"},{"last_name":"Palme","first_name":"Klaus","full_name":"Palme, Klaus"},{"full_name":"Hackett, Rachel","last_name":"Hackett","first_name":"Rachel"},{"full_name":"Grierson, Don","last_name":"Grierson","first_name":"Don"},{"last_name":"Lindsey","first_name":"Keith","full_name":"Lindsey, Keith"}],"article_type":"original","acknowledgement":"We thank Dr. Ken Feldmann for providing prospective hyd alleles, Dr. Jane Murfett for providing DR5::GUS seed, Dr. D. Van Der Straeten for providing ACS1::GUS seed, Dr. John Schiefelbein for providing GL2::GFP seed, and Dr. Ottoline Leyser for axr1-12 and axr3-1 seed. etr1 and fk seed was obtained from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre. This work was supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council research studentship to M.S., a Durham University studentship to M.P., and Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council Grant 12/P02330 to J.T.","volume":14,"oa":1,"language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"oa_version":"None"}