{"quality_controlled":0,"date_published":"2003-01-01T00:00:00Z","year":"2003","day":"01","date_created":"2018-12-11T12:05:16Z","status":"public","abstract":[{"text":"To probe exocytosis at a cortical glutamatergic synapse, we made capacitance measurements in whole-cell recorded hippocampal mossy fiber terminals. Evaluation of different methods by using a morphology-based equivalent electrical model revealed that quantitative capacitance measurements are possible in this presynaptic structure. Voltage pulses leading to presynaptic Ca2+ inflow evoked large capacitance signals that showed saturation with increasing pulse duration. The mean peak capacitance increase was 100 fF, corresponding to a pool of approximately 1,400 releasable vesicles. Thus hippocampal mossy fiber synapses have a vesicular "maxipool." Large pool size and rapid vesicle recycling may underlie the uniquely large extent of activity-dependent plasticity in this synapse.","lang":"eng"}],"publication":"PNAS","intvolume":" 100","date_updated":"2021-01-12T07:52:20Z","page":"8975 - 80","author":[{"first_name":"Stefan","full_name":"Hallermann, Stefan","last_name":"Hallermann"},{"last_name":"Pawlu","full_name":"Pawlu, Christian","first_name":"Christian"},{"orcid":"0000-0001-5001-4804","first_name":"Peter M","full_name":"Peter Jonas","last_name":"Jonas","id":"353C1B58-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87"},{"last_name":"Heckmann","first_name":"Manfred","full_name":"Heckmann, Manfred"}],"extern":1,"publist_id":"2405","publication_status":"published","volume":100,"publisher":"National Academy of Sciences","type":"journal_article","citation":{"mla":"Hallermann, Stefan, et al. “A Large Pool of Releasable Vesicles in a Cortical Glutamatergic Synapse.” PNAS, vol. 100, no. 15, National Academy of Sciences, 2003, pp. 8975–80, doi:10.1073/pnas.1432836100.","ieee":"S. Hallermann, C. Pawlu, P. M. Jonas, and M. Heckmann, “A large pool of releasable vesicles in a cortical glutamatergic synapse,” PNAS, vol. 100, no. 15. National Academy of Sciences, pp. 8975–80, 2003.","chicago":"Hallermann, Stefan, Christian Pawlu, Peter M Jonas, and Manfred Heckmann. “A Large Pool of Releasable Vesicles in a Cortical Glutamatergic Synapse.” PNAS. National Academy of Sciences, 2003. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1432836100.","ista":"Hallermann S, Pawlu C, Jonas PM, Heckmann M. 2003. A large pool of releasable vesicles in a cortical glutamatergic synapse. PNAS. 100(15), 8975–80.","ama":"Hallermann S, Pawlu C, Jonas PM, Heckmann M. A large pool of releasable vesicles in a cortical glutamatergic synapse. PNAS. 2003;100(15):8975-8980. doi:10.1073/pnas.1432836100","apa":"Hallermann, S., Pawlu, C., Jonas, P. M., & Heckmann, M. (2003). A large pool of releasable vesicles in a cortical glutamatergic synapse. PNAS. National Academy of Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1432836100","short":"S. Hallermann, C. Pawlu, P.M. Jonas, M. Heckmann, PNAS 100 (2003) 8975–80."},"issue":"15","title":"A large pool of releasable vesicles in a cortical glutamatergic synapse","month":"01","_id":"3806","doi":"10.1073/pnas.1432836100"}