{"oa_version":"Published Version","date_published":"1991-03-01T00:00:00Z","volume":56,"year":"1991","type":"journal_article","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"This paper proves that for every n ≥ 4 there is a convex n-gon such that the vertices of 2n - 7 vertex pairs are one unit of distance apart. This improves the previously best lower bound of ⌊ (5n - 5) 3⌋ given by Erdo{combining double acute accent}s and Moser if n ≥ 17."}],"citation":{"apa":"Edelsbrunner, H., & Hajnal, P. (1991). A lower bound on the number of unit distances between the vertices of a convex polygon. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/0097-3165(91)90042-F","chicago":"Edelsbrunner, Herbert, and Péter Hajnal. “A Lower Bound on the Number of Unit Distances between the Vertices of a Convex Polygon.” Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A. Elsevier, 1991. https://doi.org/10.1016/0097-3165(91)90042-F.","ama":"Edelsbrunner H, Hajnal P. A lower bound on the number of unit distances between the vertices of a convex polygon. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A. 1991;56(2):312-316. doi:10.1016/0097-3165(91)90042-F","ieee":"H. Edelsbrunner and P. Hajnal, “A lower bound on the number of unit distances between the vertices of a convex polygon,” Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, vol. 56, no. 2. Elsevier, pp. 312–316, 1991.","ista":"Edelsbrunner H, Hajnal P. 1991. A lower bound on the number of unit distances between the vertices of a convex polygon. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A. 56(2), 312–316.","mla":"Edelsbrunner, Herbert, and Péter Hajnal. “A Lower Bound on the Number of Unit Distances between the Vertices of a Convex Polygon.” Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, vol. 56, no. 2, Elsevier, 1991, pp. 312–16, doi:10.1016/0097-3165(91)90042-F.","short":"H. Edelsbrunner, P. Hajnal, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 56 (1991) 312–316."},"publist_id":"2070","scopus_import":"1","day":"01","status":"public","publisher":"Elsevier","publication":"Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A","article_type":"original","date_updated":"2022-03-02T09:56:10Z","acknowledgement":"The first author is pleased to acknowledge partial support by the Amoco Fnd. Fat. Dev. Comput. Sci. i-6-44862 and the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-8714565.","extern":"1","intvolume":" 56","quality_controlled":"1","publication_identifier":{"issn":["0097-3165"],"eissn":["1096-0899"]},"_id":"4056","author":[{"last_name":"Edelsbrunner","full_name":"Edelsbrunner, Herbert","first_name":"Herbert","orcid":"0000-0002-9823-6833","id":"3FB178DA-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87"},{"first_name":"Péter","last_name":"Hajnal","full_name":"Hajnal, Péter"}],"oa":1,"date_created":"2018-12-11T12:06:41Z","issue":"2","main_file_link":[{"url":"https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/009731659190042F?via%3Dihub","open_access":"1"}],"publication_status":"published","article_processing_charge":"No","page":"312 - 316","doi":"10.1016/0097-3165(91)90042-F","title":"A lower bound on the number of unit distances between the vertices of a convex polygon","user_id":"ea97e931-d5af-11eb-85d4-e6957dddbf17","month":"03"}