{"publisher":"Cell Press","publication_status":"published","volume":11,"title":"Migration of zebrafish primordial germ cells: A role for myosin contraction and cytoplasmic flow","month":"11","issue":"5","_id":"4218","doi":"10.1016/j.devcel.2006.09.023","citation":{"ista":"Blaser H, Reichman Fried M, Castanon I, Dumstrei K, Marlow F, Kawakami K, Solnica Krezel L, Heisenberg C-PJ, Raz E. 2006. Migration of zebrafish primordial germ cells: A role for myosin contraction and cytoplasmic flow. Developmental Cell. 11(5), 613–627.","ama":"Blaser H, Reichman Fried M, Castanon I, et al. Migration of zebrafish primordial germ cells: A role for myosin contraction and cytoplasmic flow. Developmental Cell. 2006;11(5):613-627. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2006.09.023","chicago":"Blaser, Heiko, Michal Reichman Fried, Irinka Castanon, Karin Dumstrei, Florence Marlow, Koichi Kawakami, Lilianna Solnica Krezel, Carl-Philipp J Heisenberg, and Erez Raz. “Migration of Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cells: A Role for Myosin Contraction and Cytoplasmic Flow.” Developmental Cell. Cell Press, 2006. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2006.09.023.","ieee":"H. Blaser et al., “Migration of zebrafish primordial germ cells: A role for myosin contraction and cytoplasmic flow,” Developmental Cell, vol. 11, no. 5. Cell Press, pp. 613–627, 2006.","mla":"Blaser, Heiko, et al. “Migration of Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cells: A Role for Myosin Contraction and Cytoplasmic Flow.” Developmental Cell, vol. 11, no. 5, Cell Press, 2006, pp. 613–27, doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2006.09.023.","short":"H. Blaser, M. Reichman Fried, I. Castanon, K. Dumstrei, F. Marlow, K. Kawakami, L. Solnica Krezel, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, E. Raz, Developmental Cell 11 (2006) 613–627.","apa":"Blaser, H., Reichman Fried, M., Castanon, I., Dumstrei, K., Marlow, F., Kawakami, K., … Raz, E. (2006). Migration of zebrafish primordial germ cells: A role for myosin contraction and cytoplasmic flow. Developmental Cell. Cell Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2006.09.023"},"type":"journal_article","oa_version":"None","status":"public","date_created":"2018-12-11T12:07:39Z","abstract":[{"text":"The molecular and cellular mechanisms governing cell motility and directed migration in response to the chemokine SDF-1 are largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that zebrafish primordial germ cells whose migration is guided by SDF-1 generate bleb-like protrusions that are powered by cytoplasmic flow. Protrusions are formed at sites of higher levels of free calcium where activation of myosin contraction occurs. Separation of the acto-myosin cortex from the plasma membrane at these sites is followed by a flow of cytoplasm into the forming bleb. We propose that polarized activation of the receptor CXCR4 leads to a rise in free calcium that in turn activates myosin contraction in the part of the cell responding to higher levels of the ligand SDF-1. The biased formation of new protrusions in a particular region of the cell in response to SDF-1 defines the leading edge and the direction of cell migration.","lang":"eng"}],"intvolume":" 11","publication":"Developmental Cell","date_updated":"2021-01-12T07:55:23Z","article_processing_charge":"No","date_published":"2006-11-06T00:00:00Z","year":"2006","day":"06","extern":"1","author":[{"last_name":"Blaser","full_name":"Blaser, Heiko","first_name":"Heiko"},{"first_name":"Michal","full_name":"Reichman Fried, Michal","last_name":"Reichman Fried"},{"full_name":"Castanon, Irinka","first_name":"Irinka","last_name":"Castanon"},{"last_name":"Dumstrei","first_name":"Karin","full_name":"Dumstrei, Karin"},{"first_name":"Florence","full_name":"Marlow, Florence","last_name":"Marlow"},{"last_name":"Kawakami","full_name":"Kawakami, Koichi","first_name":"Koichi"},{"full_name":"Solnica Krezel, Lilianna","first_name":"Lilianna","last_name":"Solnica Krezel"},{"first_name":"Carl-Philipp J","orcid":"0000-0002-0912-4566","full_name":"Heisenberg, Carl-Philipp J","id":"39427864-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","last_name":"Heisenberg"},{"full_name":"Raz, Erez","first_name":"Erez","last_name":"Raz"}],"publist_id":"1898","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","page":"613 - 627"}