{"doi":"10.1145/227595.227602","title":"The benefits of relaxing punctuality","author":[{"first_name":"Rajeev","full_name":"Alur, Rajeev","last_name":"Alur"},{"first_name":"Tomás","full_name":"Feder, Tomás","last_name":"Feder"},{"first_name":"Thomas A","last_name":"Henzinger","full_name":"Henzinger, Thomas A","id":"40876CD8-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","orcid":"0000−0002−2985−7724"}],"month":"01","date_updated":"2022-02-24T13:27:20Z","acknowledgement":"We wish to thank an anonymous referee for pointing out the PSPACE-fragment of Section 4.5. T. A. Henzinger was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator award NOOO14-95-l-0520, by the National Science Foundation CAREER award CCR 9501708, by the National Science Foundation grants CCR 92-00794 and CCR 9504469, by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research contract F49620-93-l-0056, and by the Advanced Research Projects Agency grant NAG2-892. ","_id":"4621","article_processing_charge":"No","scopus_import":"1","date_published":"1991-01-01T00:00:00Z","publication":"Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing","date_created":"2018-12-11T12:09:48Z","day":"01","publication_status":"published","citation":{"ama":"Alur R, Feder T, Henzinger TA. The benefits of relaxing punctuality. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. ACM; 1991:139-152. doi:10.1145/227595.227602","ieee":"R. Alur, T. Feder, and T. A. Henzinger, “The benefits of relaxing punctuality,” in Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, Montreal, Canada, 1991, pp. 139–152.","short":"R. Alur, T. Feder, T.A. Henzinger, in:, Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, ACM, 1991, pp. 139–152.","ista":"Alur R, Feder T, Henzinger TA. 1991. The benefits of relaxing punctuality. Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. PODC: Principles of Distributed Computing, 139–152.","mla":"Alur, Rajeev, et al. “The Benefits of Relaxing Punctuality.” Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, ACM, 1991, pp. 139–52, doi:10.1145/227595.227602.","chicago":"Alur, Rajeev, Tomás Feder, and Thomas A Henzinger. “The Benefits of Relaxing Punctuality.” In Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 139–52. ACM, 1991. https://doi.org/10.1145/227595.227602.","apa":"Alur, R., Feder, T., & Henzinger, T. A. (1991). The benefits of relaxing punctuality. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (pp. 139–152). Montreal, Canada: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/227595.227602"},"type":"conference","conference":{"start_date":"1991-08-19","name":"PODC: Principles of Distributed Computing","end_date":"1991-08-21","location":"Montreal, Canada"},"page":"139 - 152","oa_version":"None","user_id":"ea97e931-d5af-11eb-85d4-e6957dddbf17","extern":"1","status":"public","quality_controlled":"1","publisher":"ACM","publist_id":"86","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"year":"1991","abstract":[{"text":"The most natural, compositional, way of modeling real-time systems uses a dense domain for time. The satisfiability of timing constraints that are capable of expressing punctuality in this model, however, is known to be undecidable. We introduce a temporal language that can constrain the time difference between events only with finite, yet arbitrary, precision and show the resulting logic to be EXPSPACE-complete. This result allows us to develop an algorithm for the verification of timing properties of real-time systems with a dense semantics.","lang":"eng"}],"publication_identifier":{"isbn":["978-0-89791-439-0"]},"main_file_link":[{"url":"https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/227595.227602"}]}