{"external_id":{"pmid":["15977826"]},"_id":"877","publisher":"Pleiades Publishing","volume":50,"status":"public","date_created":"2018-12-11T11:48:58Z","type":"journal_article","page":"389 - 395","article_processing_charge":"No","day":"01","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"intvolume":" 50","publist_id":"6769","main_file_link":[{"url":"http://pleiades.online/abstract/biophys/5/biophys0349_abstract.pdf"}],"title":"The analysis of monomer sequences in protein and tRNA and the manifestation of the compensation of pathogenic deviations in their evolution","issue":"3","citation":{"ieee":"F. Kondrashov, “The analysis of monomer sequences in protein and tRNA and the manifestation of the compensation of pathogenic deviations in their evolution,” Biofizika, vol. 50, no. 3. Pleiades Publishing, pp. 389–395, 2005.","mla":"Kondrashov, Fyodor. “The Analysis of Monomer Sequences in Protein and TRNA and the Manifestation of the Compensation of Pathogenic Deviations in Their Evolution.” Biofizika, vol. 50, no. 3, Pleiades Publishing, 2005, pp. 389–95.","ista":"Kondrashov F. 2005. The analysis of monomer sequences in protein and tRNA and the manifestation of the compensation of pathogenic deviations in their evolution. Biofizika. 50(3), 389–395.","chicago":"Kondrashov, Fyodor. “The Analysis of Monomer Sequences in Protein and TRNA and the Manifestation of the Compensation of Pathogenic Deviations in Their Evolution.” Biofizika. Pleiades Publishing, 2005.","short":"F. Kondrashov, Biofizika 50 (2005) 389–395.","ama":"Kondrashov F. The analysis of monomer sequences in protein and tRNA and the manifestation of the compensation of pathogenic deviations in their evolution. Biofizika. 2005;50(3):389-395.","apa":"Kondrashov, F. (2005). The analysis of monomer sequences in protein and tRNA and the manifestation of the compensation of pathogenic deviations in their evolution. Biofizika. Pleiades Publishing."},"publication":"Biofizika","date_updated":"2021-01-12T08:21:01Z","abstract":[{"text":"Sequence analysis of protein and mitochondrially encoded tRNA genes shows that substitutions\r\nproducing pathogenic effects in humans are often found in normal, healthy individuals from other species.\r\nAnalysis of stability of protein and tRNA structures shows that the disease-causing effects of pathogenic\r\nmutations can be neutralized by other, compensatory substitutions that restore the structural stability of the\r\nmolecule. Further study of such substitutions will, hopefully, lead to new methods for curing genetic dis-\r\neases that may be based on the correction of molecule stability as a whole instead of reversing an individual\r\npathogenic mutation.","lang":"eng"}],"publication_status":"published","extern":"1","article_type":"original","user_id":"2DF688A6-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","date_published":"2005-05-01T00:00:00Z","month":"05","pmid":1,"quality_controlled":"1","oa_version":"None","year":"2005","author":[{"id":"44FDEF62-F248-11E8-B48F-1D18A9856A87","first_name":"Fyodor","last_name":"Kondrashov","full_name":"Kondrashov, Fyodor","orcid":"0000-0001-8243-4694"}]}