{"publisher":"American Chemical Society","oa":1,"scopus_import":"1","publication_status":"published","_id":"9829","publication_identifier":{"issn":["19360851"],"eissn":["1936086X"]},"doi":"10.1021/acsnano.1c03276","issue":"7","title":"News in Nanocrystals seminar: Self-assembly of early career researchers toward globally accessible nanoscience","month":"07","oa_version":"Published Version","citation":{"mla":"Baranov, Dmitry, et al. “News in Nanocrystals Seminar: Self-Assembly of Early Career Researchers toward Globally Accessible Nanoscience.” ACS Nano, vol. 15, no. 7, American Chemical Society, 2021, pp. 10743–10747, doi:10.1021/acsnano.1c03276.","chicago":"Baranov, Dmitry, Tara Šverko, Taylor Moot, Helena R. Keller, Megan D. Klein, E. K. Vishnu, Daniel Balazs, and Katherine E. Shulenberger. “News in Nanocrystals Seminar: Self-Assembly of Early Career Researchers toward Globally Accessible Nanoscience.” ACS Nano. American Chemical Society, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.1c03276.","ieee":"D. Baranov et al., “News in Nanocrystals seminar: Self-assembly of early career researchers toward globally accessible nanoscience,” ACS Nano, vol. 15, no. 7. American Chemical Society, pp. 10743–10747, 2021.","ama":"Baranov D, Šverko T, Moot T, et al. News in Nanocrystals seminar: Self-assembly of early career researchers toward globally accessible nanoscience. ACS Nano. 2021;15(7):10743–10747. doi:10.1021/acsnano.1c03276","ista":"Baranov D, Šverko T, Moot T, Keller HR, Klein MD, Vishnu EK, Balazs D, Shulenberger KE. 2021. News in Nanocrystals seminar: Self-assembly of early career researchers toward globally accessible nanoscience. ACS Nano. 15(7), 10743–10747.","apa":"Baranov, D., Šverko, T., Moot, T., Keller, H. R., Klein, M. D., Vishnu, E. K., … Shulenberger, K. E. (2021). News in Nanocrystals seminar: Self-assembly of early career researchers toward globally accessible nanoscience. ACS Nano. American Chemical Society. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.1c03276","short":"D. Baranov, T. Šverko, T. Moot, H.R. Keller, M.D. Klein, E.K. Vishnu, D. Balazs, K.E. Shulenberger, ACS Nano 15 (2021) 10743–10747."},"type":"journal_article","publication":"ACS Nano","date_created":"2021-08-08T22:01:31Z","year":"2021","article_processing_charge":"No","date_published":"2021-07-06T00:00:00Z","language":[{"iso":"eng"}],"author":[{"full_name":"Baranov, Dmitry","first_name":"Dmitry","last_name":"Baranov"},{"last_name":"Šverko","full_name":"Šverko, Tara","first_name":"Tara"},{"first_name":"Taylor","full_name":"Moot, Taylor","last_name":"Moot"},{"last_name":"Keller","first_name":"Helena R.","full_name":"Keller, Helena R."},{"first_name":"Megan D.","full_name":"Klein, Megan D.","last_name":"Klein"},{"full_name":"Vishnu, E. K.","first_name":"E. K.","last_name":"Vishnu"},{"full_name":"Balazs, Daniel","orcid":"0000-0001-7597-043X","first_name":"Daniel","last_name":"Balazs","id":"302BADF6-85FC-11EA-9E3B-B9493DDC885E"},{"last_name":"Shulenberger","first_name":"Katherine E.","full_name":"Shulenberger, Katherine E."}],"user_id":"4359f0d1-fa6c-11eb-b949-802e58b17ae8","page":"10743–10747","department":[{"_id":"MaIb"}],"volume":15,"pmid":1,"isi":1,"external_id":{"pmid":["34228432"],"isi":["000679406500002"]},"article_type":"original","intvolume":" 15","date_updated":"2023-08-11T10:55:08Z","status":"public","abstract":[{"lang":"eng","text":"In 2020, many in-person scientific events were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a vacuum in networking and knowledge exchange between scientists. To fill this void in scientific communication, a group of early career nanocrystal enthusiasts launched the virtual seminar series, News in Nanocrystals, in the summer of 2020. By the end of the year, the series had attracted over 850 participants from 46 countries. In this Nano Focus, we describe the process of organizing the News in Nanocrystals seminar series; discuss its growth, emphasizing what the organizers have learned in terms of diversity and accessibility; and provide an outlook for the next steps and future opportunities. This summary and analysis of experiences and learned lessons are intended to inform the broader scientific community, especially those who are looking for avenues to continue fostering discussion and scientific engagement virtually, both during the pandemic and after."}],"day":"06","quality_controlled":"1","acknowledgement":"K. E. Shulenberger, M. D. Klein, T. Šverko, and H. R. Keller would like to thank Professors Moungi Bawendi (MIT) and Gordana Dukovic (CU Boulder) for their feedback and support of the News in Nanocrystals initiative. The authors thank Madison Jilek (CU Boulder) and Dhananjeya Kumaar (ETH Zurich) for their help in the organization of the seminar, and Professors Brandi Cossairt (University of Washington) and Gordana Dukovic for their feedback on an earlier version of this manuscript. The authors thank all the seminar speakers and attendees for their interest and continuing participation in the seminar series.","main_file_link":[{"open_access":"1","url":"https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.1c03276"}]}