Cell Cortex and Germ Layer Formation in Zebrafish Gastrulation
Project Period: 2011-10-01 – 2014-09-30
Principal Investigator
Grant Number
I 812-B12
3 Publications
2016 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1100 |
Optogenetic control of nodal signaling reveals a temporal pattern of nodal signaling regulating cell fate specification during gastrulation
K. Sako, S. Pradhan, V. Barone, Á. Inglés Prieto, P. Mueller, V. Ruprecht, D. Capek, S. Galande, H.L. Janovjak, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, Cell Reports 16 (2016) 866–877.
[Published Version]
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K. Sako, S. Pradhan, V. Barone, Á. Inglés Prieto, P. Mueller, V. Ruprecht, D. Capek, S. Galande, H.L. Janovjak, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, Cell Reports 16 (2016) 866–877.
2015 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 1537 |
Cortical contractility triggers a stochastic switch to fast amoeboid cell motility
V. Ruprecht, S. Wieser, A. Callan Jones, M. Smutny, H. Morita, K. Sako, V. Barone, M. Ritsch Marte, M.K. Sixt, R. Voituriez, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, Cell 160 (2015) 673–685.
[Published Version]
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V. Ruprecht, S. Wieser, A. Callan Jones, M. Smutny, H. Morita, K. Sako, V. Barone, M. Ritsch Marte, M.K. Sixt, R. Voituriez, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, Cell 160 (2015) 673–685.
2013 | Published | Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 2884
Cell adhesion mechanics of zebrafish gastrulation
J.-L. Maître, H. Berthoumieux, G. Krens, G. Salbreux, F. Julicher, E. Paluch, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, Medecine Sciences 29 (2013) 147–150.
J.-L. Maître, H. Berthoumieux, G. Krens, G. Salbreux, F. Julicher, E. Paluch, C.-P.J. Heisenberg, Medecine Sciences 29 (2013) 147–150.