Molecular and system level view of immune cell migration
Project Period: 2015-03-01 – 2017-02-28
Externally Funded
Principal Investigator
Jörg Renkawitz
Sixt Group
Grant Number
ALTF 1396-2014
3 Publications
2020 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 7875 |
Microtubules control cellular shape and coherence in amoeboid migrating cells
A. Kopf, J. Renkawitz, R. Hauschild, I. Girkontaite, K. Tedford, J. Merrin, O. Thorn-Seshold, D. Trauner, H. Häcker, K.D. Fischer, E. Kiermaier, M.K. Sixt, The Journal of Cell Biology 219 (2020).
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A. Kopf, J. Renkawitz, R. Hauschild, I. Girkontaite, K. Tedford, J. Merrin, O. Thorn-Seshold, D. Trauner, H. Häcker, K.D. Fischer, E. Kiermaier, M.K. Sixt, The Journal of Cell Biology 219 (2020).
2019 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 6328 |
Nuclear positioning facilitates amoeboid migration along the path of least resistance
J. Renkawitz, A. Kopf, J.A. Stopp, I. de Vries, M.K. Driscoll, J. Merrin, R. Hauschild, E.S. Welf, G. Danuser, R. Fiolka, M.K. Sixt, Nature 568 (2019) 546–550.
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J. Renkawitz, A. Kopf, J.A. Stopp, I. de Vries, M.K. Driscoll, J. Merrin, R. Hauschild, E.S. Welf, G. Danuser, R. Fiolka, M.K. Sixt, Nature 568 (2019) 546–550.
2018 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 15 |
Chemokines and integrins independently tune actin flow and substrate friction during intranodal migration of T cells
M. Hons, A. Kopf, R. Hauschild, A.F. Leithner, F.R. Gärtner, J. Abe, J. Renkawitz, J. Stein, M.K. Sixt, Nature Immunology 19 (2018) 606–616.
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M. Hons, A. Kopf, R. Hauschild, A.F. Leithner, F.R. Gärtner, J. Abe, J. Renkawitz, J. Stein, M.K. Sixt, Nature Immunology 19 (2018) 606–616.