Individual function and social role of oxytocin-like neuropeptides in ants
Project Period: 2014-01-01 – 2017-12-31
Externally Funded
Principal Investigator
Sylvia M Cremer
Cremer Group
1 Publication
2018 |Published| Journal Article | IST-REx-ID: 194 |
Oxytocin-like signaling in ants influences metabolic gene expression and locomotor activity
Z. Liutkeviciute, E. Gil Mansilla, T. Eder, B.E. Casillas Perez, M. Giulia Di Giglio, E. Muratspahić, F. Grebien, T. Rattei, M. Muttenthaler, S. Cremer, C. Gruber, The FASEB Journal 32 (2018) 6808–6821.
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Z. Liutkeviciute, E. Gil Mansilla, T. Eder, B.E. Casillas Perez, M. Giulia Di Giglio, E. Muratspahić, F. Grebien, T. Rattei, M. Muttenthaler, S. Cremer, C. Gruber, The FASEB Journal 32 (2018) 6808–6821.