Analytic and machine learning approaches to composite quantum impurities
Rzadkowski W. 2022. Analytic and machine learning approaches to composite quantum impurities. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
| PhD
| Published
| English
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ISTA Thesis
In this Thesis, I study composite quantum impurities with variational techniques, both inspired by machine learning as well as fully analytic. I supplement this with exploration of other applications of machine learning, in particular artificial neural networks, in many-body physics. In Chapters 3 and 4, I study quasiparticle systems with variational approach. I derive a Hamiltonian describing the angulon quasiparticle in the presence of a magnetic field. I apply analytic variational treatment to this Hamiltonian. Then, I introduce a variational approach for non-additive systems, based on artificial neural networks. I exemplify this approach on the example of the polaron quasiparticle (Fröhlich Hamiltonian). In Chapter 5, I continue using artificial neural networks, albeit in a different setting. I apply artificial neural networks to detect phases from snapshots of two types physical systems. Namely, I study Monte Carlo snapshots of multilayer classical spin models as well as molecular dynamics maps of colloidal systems. The main type of networks that I use here are convolutional neural networks, known for their applicability to image data.
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Institute of Science and Technology Austria
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Rzadkowski W. Analytic and machine learning approaches to composite quantum impurities. 2022. doi:10.15479/at:ista:10759
Rzadkowski, W. (2022). Analytic and machine learning approaches to composite quantum impurities. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Rzadkowski, Wojciech. “Analytic and Machine Learning Approaches to Composite Quantum Impurities.” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2022.
W. Rzadkowski, “Analytic and machine learning approaches to composite quantum impurities,” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2022.
Rzadkowski W. 2022. Analytic and machine learning approaches to composite quantum impurities. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Rzadkowski, Wojciech. Analytic and Machine Learning Approaches to Composite Quantum Impurities. Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2022, doi:10.15479/at:ista:10759.
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