Inverted leftover hash lemma
Obremski M, Skórski M. 2018. Inverted leftover hash lemma. ISIT: International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT Proceedings, vol. 2018.
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Obremski, Marciej;
Skórski, MaciejISTA
Series Title
ISIT Proceedings
Universal hashing found a lot of applications in computer science. In cryptography the most important fact about universal families is the so called Leftover Hash Lemma, proved by Impagliazzo, Levin and Luby. In the language of modern cryptography it states that almost universal families are good extractors. In this work we provide a somewhat surprising characterization in the opposite direction. Namely, every extractor with sufficiently good parameters yields a universal family on a noticeable fraction of its inputs. Our proof technique is based on tools from extremal graph theory applied to the \'collision graph\' induced by the extractor, and may be of independent interest. We discuss possible applications to the theory of randomness extractors and non-malleable codes.
Publishing Year
Date Published
ISIT: International Symposium on Information Theory
Conference Location
Vail, CO, USA
Conference Date
2018-06-17 – 2018-06-22
Cite this
Obremski M, Skórski M. Inverted leftover hash lemma. In: Vol 2018. IEEE; 2018. doi:10.1109/ISIT.2018.8437654
Obremski, M., & Skórski, M. (2018). Inverted leftover hash lemma (Vol. 2018). Presented at the ISIT: International Symposium on Information Theory, Vail, CO, USA: IEEE.
Obremski, Marciej, and Maciej Skórski. “Inverted Leftover Hash Lemma,” Vol. 2018. IEEE, 2018.
M. Obremski and M. Skórski, “Inverted leftover hash lemma,” presented at the ISIT: International Symposium on Information Theory, Vail, CO, USA, 2018, vol. 2018.
Obremski M, Skórski M. 2018. Inverted leftover hash lemma. ISIT: International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT Proceedings, vol. 2018.
Obremski, Marciej, and Maciej Skórski. Inverted Leftover Hash Lemma. Vol. 2018, IEEE, 2018, doi:10.1109/ISIT.2018.8437654.
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