On the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the wall pressure fluctuations in turbulent channel flow
Yang B, Yang Z. 2022. On the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the wall pressure fluctuations in turbulent channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 937, A39.
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Yang, BowenISTA
Yang, Zixuan

Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent channel flows up to Reτ≈1000 are conducted to investigate the three-dimensional (consisting of streamwise wavenumber, spanwise wavenumber and frequency) spectrum of wall pressure fluctuations. To develop a predictive model of the wavenumber–frequency spectrum from the wavenumber spectrum, the time decorrelation mechanisms of wall pressure fluctuations are investigated. It is discovered that the energy-containing part of the wavenumber–frequency spectrum of wall pressure fluctuations can be well predicted using a similar random sweeping model for streamwise velocity fluctuations. To refine the investigation, we further decompose the spectrum of the total wall pressure fluctuations into the autospectra of rapid and slow pressure fluctuations, and the cross-spectrum between them. We focus on evaluating the assumption applied in many predictive models, that is, the magnitude of the cross-spectrum is negligibly small. The present DNS shows that neglecting the cross-spectrum causes a maximum error up to 4.7 dB in the subconvective region for all Reynolds numbers under test. Our analyses indicate that the approximation of neglecting the cross-spectrum needs to be applied carefully in the investigations of acoustics at low Mach numbers, in which the subconvective components of wall pressure fluctuations make important contributions to the radiated acoustic power.
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Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Cambridge University Press
This research is supported by the NSFC Basic Science Center Program for ‘Multiscale Problems in Nonlinear Mechanics’ (no. 11988102), National Key Project (GJXM92579) and the Strategic Priority Research Program (XDB22040104).
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Yang B, Yang Z. On the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the wall pressure fluctuations in turbulent channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022;937. doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.137
Yang, B., & Yang, Z. (2022). On the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the wall pressure fluctuations in turbulent channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.137
Yang, Bowen, and Zixuan Yang. “On the Wavenumber-Frequency Spectrum of the Wall Pressure Fluctuations in Turbulent Channel Flow.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2022.137.
B. Yang and Z. Yang, “On the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the wall pressure fluctuations in turbulent channel flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 937. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Yang B, Yang Z. 2022. On the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the wall pressure fluctuations in turbulent channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 937, A39.
Yang, Bowen, and Zixuan Yang. “On the Wavenumber-Frequency Spectrum of the Wall Pressure Fluctuations in Turbulent Channel Flow.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 937, A39, Cambridge University Press, 2022, doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.137.
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arXiv 2201.04702