Nonequilibrium description of de novo biogenesis and transport through Golgi-like cisternae
Sachdeva H, Barma M, Rao M. 2016. Nonequilibrium description of de novo biogenesis and transport through Golgi-like cisternae. Scientific Reports. 6, 38840.
Journal Article
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| English
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Sachdeva, HimaniISTA;
Barma, Mustansir;
Rao, Madan
A central issue in cell biology is the physico-chemical basis of organelle biogenesis in intracellular trafficking pathways, its most impressive manifestation being the biogenesis of Golgi cisternae. At a basic level, such morphologically and chemically distinct compartments should arise from an interplay between the molecular transport and chemical maturation. Here, we formulate analytically tractable, minimalist models, that incorporate this interplay between transport and chemical progression in physical space, and explore the conditions for de novo biogenesis of distinct cisternae. We propose new quantitative measures that can discriminate between the various models of transport in a qualitative manner-this includes measures of the dynamics in steady state and the dynamical response to perturbations of the kind amenable to live-cell imaging.
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Scientific Reports
Nature Publishing Group
H.S. thanks NCBS for hospitality. We thank Vivek Malhotra and Mukund Thattai for critical discussions and suggestions.
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Sachdeva H, Barma M, Rao M. Nonequilibrium description of de novo biogenesis and transport through Golgi-like cisternae. Scientific Reports. 2016;6. doi:10.1038/srep38840
Sachdeva, H., Barma, M., & Rao, M. (2016). Nonequilibrium description of de novo biogenesis and transport through Golgi-like cisternae. Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group.
Sachdeva, Himani, Mustansir Barma, and Madan Rao. “Nonequilibrium Description of de Novo Biogenesis and Transport through Golgi-like Cisternae.” Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group, 2016.
H. Sachdeva, M. Barma, and M. Rao, “Nonequilibrium description of de novo biogenesis and transport through Golgi-like cisternae,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6. Nature Publishing Group, 2016.
Sachdeva H, Barma M, Rao M. 2016. Nonequilibrium description of de novo biogenesis and transport through Golgi-like cisternae. Scientific Reports. 6, 38840.
Sachdeva, Himani, et al. “Nonequilibrium Description of de Novo Biogenesis and Transport through Golgi-like Cisternae.” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 38840, Nature Publishing Group, 2016, doi:10.1038/srep38840.
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