Neural stem cells to cerebral cortex: Emerging mechanisms regulating progenitor behavior and productivity
Dwyer N, Chen B, Chou S, Hippenmeyer S, Nguyen L, Ghashghaei T. 2016. Neural stem cells to cerebral cortex: Emerging mechanisms regulating progenitor behavior and productivity. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(45), 11394–11401.
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Journal Article
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| English
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Dwyer, Noelle;
Chen, Bin;
Chou, Shen;
Hippenmeyer, SimonISTA
Nguyen, Laurent;
Ghashghaei, Troy

This review accompanies a 2016 SFN mini-symposium presenting examples of current studies that address a central question: How do neural stem cells (NSCs) divide in different ways to produce heterogeneous daughter types at the right time and in proper numbers to build a cerebral cortex with the appropriate size and structure? We will focus on four aspects of corticogenesis: cytokinesis events that follow apical mitoses of NSCs; coordinating abscission with delamination from the apical membrane; timing of neurogenesis and its indirect regulation through emergence of intermediate progenitors; and capacity of single NSCs to generate the correct number and laminar fate of cortical neurons. Defects in these mechanisms can cause microcephaly and other brain malformations, and understanding them is critical to designing diagnostic tools and preventive and corrective therapies.
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Journal of Neuroscience
Society for Neuroscience
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants R01NS089795 and R01NS098370 to H.T.G., R01NS076640 to N.D.D., and R01MH094589 and R01NS089777 to B.C., Academia Sinica AS-104-TPB09-2 to S.-J.C, European Union FP7-CIG618444 and Human Frontiers Science Program RGP0053 to S.H., and Fonds Léon Fredericq, from the Fondation Médicale Reine Elisabeth, and from the Fonation Simone et Pierre Clerdent to L.N. The authors apologize to colleagues whose work could not be cited due to space limitations.
11394 - 11401
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Dwyer N, Chen B, Chou S, Hippenmeyer S, Nguyen L, Ghashghaei T. Neural stem cells to cerebral cortex: Emerging mechanisms regulating progenitor behavior and productivity. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016;36(45):11394-11401. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2359-16.2016
Dwyer, N., Chen, B., Chou, S., Hippenmeyer, S., Nguyen, L., & Ghashghaei, T. (2016). Neural stem cells to cerebral cortex: Emerging mechanisms regulating progenitor behavior and productivity. Journal of Neuroscience. Society for Neuroscience.
Dwyer, Noelle, Bin Chen, Shen Chou, Simon Hippenmeyer, Laurent Nguyen, and Troy Ghashghaei. “Neural Stem Cells to Cerebral Cortex: Emerging Mechanisms Regulating Progenitor Behavior and Productivity.” Journal of Neuroscience. Society for Neuroscience, 2016.
N. Dwyer, B. Chen, S. Chou, S. Hippenmeyer, L. Nguyen, and T. Ghashghaei, “Neural stem cells to cerebral cortex: Emerging mechanisms regulating progenitor behavior and productivity,” Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 36, no. 45. Society for Neuroscience, pp. 11394–11401, 2016.
Dwyer N, Chen B, Chou S, Hippenmeyer S, Nguyen L, Ghashghaei T. 2016. Neural stem cells to cerebral cortex: Emerging mechanisms regulating progenitor behavior and productivity. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(45), 11394–11401.
Dwyer, Noelle, et al. “Neural Stem Cells to Cerebral Cortex: Emerging Mechanisms Regulating Progenitor Behavior and Productivity.” Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 36, no. 45, Society for Neuroscience, 2016, pp. 11394–401, doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2359-16.2016.