A deterministic almost-tight distributed algorithm for approximating single-source shortest paths
Henzinger M, Krinninger S, Nanongkai D. 2016. A deterministic almost-tight distributed algorithm for approximating single-source shortest paths. 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing. STOC: Symposium on Theory of Computing, 489–498.
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Henzinger, MonikaISTA
Krinninger, Sebastian;
Nanongkai, Danupon

We present a deterministic (1+o(1))-approximation O(n1/2+o(1)+D1+o(1))-time algorithm for solving the single-source shortest paths problem on distributed weighted networks (the CONGEST model); here n is the number of nodes in the network and D is its (hop) diameter. This is the first non-trivial deterministic algorithm for this problem. It also improves (i) the running time of the randomized (1+o(1))-approximation Õ(n1/2D1/4+D)-time algorithm of Nanongkai [STOC 2014] by a factor of as large as n1/8, and (ii) the O(є−1logє−1)-approximation factor of Lenzen and Patt-Shamir’s Õ(n1/2+є+D)-time algorithm [STOC 2013] within the same running time. Our running time matches the known time lower bound of Ω(n1/2/logn + D) [Das Sarma et al. STOC 2011] modulo some lower-order terms, thus essentially settling the status of this problem which was raised at least a decade ago [Elkin SIGACT News 2004]. It also implies a (2+o(1))-approximation O(n1/2+o(1)+D1+o(1))-time algorithm for approximating a network’s weighted diameter which almost matches the lower bound by Holzer et al. [PODC 2012].
In achieving this result, we develop two techniques which might be of independent interest and useful in other settings: (i) a deterministic process that replaces the “hitting set argument” commonly used for shortest paths computation in various settings, and (ii) a simple, deterministic, construction of an (no(1), o(1))-hop set of size O(n1+o(1)). We combine these techniques with many distributed algorithmic techniques, some of which from problems that are not directly related to shortest paths, e.g. ruling sets [Goldberg et al. STOC 1987], source detection [Lenzen, Peleg PODC 2013], and partial distance estimation [Lenzen, Patt-Shamir PODC 2015]. Our hop set construction also leads to single-source shortest paths algorithms in two other settings: (i) a (1+o(1))-approximation O(no(1))-time algorithm on congested cliques, and (ii) a (1+o(1))-approximation O(no(1)logW)-pass O(n1+o(1)logW)-space streaming algorithm, when edge weights are in {1, 2, …, W}. The first result answers an open problem in [Nanongkai, STOC 2014]. The second result partially answers an open problem raised by McGregor in 2006 [<pre>sublinear.info</pre>, Problem 14].
Publishing Year
Date Published
Proceedings Title
48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing
Association for Computing Machinery
489 - 498
STOC: Symposium on Theory of Computing
Conference Location
Cambridge, MA, United States
Conference Date
2016-06-19 – 2016-06-21
Cite this
Henzinger M, Krinninger S, Nanongkai D. A deterministic almost-tight distributed algorithm for approximating single-source shortest paths. In: 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing. Association for Computing Machinery; 2016:489-498. doi:10.1145/2897518.2897638
Henzinger, M., Krinninger, S., & Nanongkai, D. (2016). A deterministic almost-tight distributed algorithm for approximating single-source shortest paths. In 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (pp. 489–498). Cambridge, MA, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/2897518.2897638
Henzinger, Monika, Sebastian Krinninger, and Danupon Nanongkai. “A Deterministic Almost-Tight Distributed Algorithm for Approximating Single-Source Shortest Paths.” In 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 489–98. Association for Computing Machinery, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1145/2897518.2897638.
M. Henzinger, S. Krinninger, and D. Nanongkai, “A deterministic almost-tight distributed algorithm for approximating single-source shortest paths,” in 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2016, pp. 489–498.
Henzinger M, Krinninger S, Nanongkai D. 2016. A deterministic almost-tight distributed algorithm for approximating single-source shortest paths. 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing. STOC: Symposium on Theory of Computing, 489–498.
Henzinger, Monika, et al. “A Deterministic Almost-Tight Distributed Algorithm for Approximating Single-Source Shortest Paths.” 48th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, Association for Computing Machinery, 2016, pp. 489–98, doi:10.1145/2897518.2897638.
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