Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock theory for strongly interacting fermions in the low density limit

Bräunlich G, Hainzl C, Seiringer R. 2016. Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock theory for strongly interacting fermions in the low density limit. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. 19(2), 13.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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Bräunlich, Gerhard; Hainzl, Christian; Seiringer, RobertISTA

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We consider the Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock functional for a fermionic many-body system with two-body interactions. For suitable interaction potentials that have a strong enough attractive tail in order to allow for two-body bound states, but are otherwise sufficiently repulsive to guarantee stability of the system, we show that in the low-density limit the ground state of this model consists of a Bose–Einstein condensate of fermion pairs. The latter can be described by means of the Gross–Pitaevskii energy functional.
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Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
Partial financial support from the DFG grant GRK 1838, as well as the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), project Nr. P 27533-N27 (R.S.), is gratefully acknowledged.
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Bräunlich G, Hainzl C, Seiringer R. Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock theory for strongly interacting fermions in the low density limit. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. 2016;19(2). doi:10.1007/s11040-016-9209-x
Bräunlich, G., Hainzl, C., & Seiringer, R. (2016). Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock theory for strongly interacting fermions in the low density limit. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. Springer.
Bräunlich, Gerhard, Christian Hainzl, and Robert Seiringer. “Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock Theory for Strongly Interacting Fermions in the Low Density Limit.” Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. Springer, 2016.
G. Bräunlich, C. Hainzl, and R. Seiringer, “Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock theory for strongly interacting fermions in the low density limit,” Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, vol. 19, no. 2. Springer, 2016.
Bräunlich G, Hainzl C, Seiringer R. 2016. Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock theory for strongly interacting fermions in the low density limit. Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry. 19(2), 13.
Bräunlich, Gerhard, et al. “Bogolubov–Hartree–Fock Theory for Strongly Interacting Fermions in the Low Density Limit.” Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, vol. 19, no. 2, 13, Springer, 2016, doi:10.1007/s11040-016-9209-x.
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