Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks
Sorichetti V, Ninarello A, Ruiz-Franco J, Hugouvieux V, Zaccarelli E, Micheletti C, Kob W, Rovigatti L. 2023. Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks. Journal of Chemical Physics. 158(7), 074905.
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Sorichetti, ValerioISTA
Ninarello, Andrea;
Ruiz-Franco, José;
Hugouvieux, Virginie;
Zaccarelli, Emanuela;
Micheletti, Cristian;
Kob, Walter;
Rovigatti, Lorenzo

The elasticity of disordered and polydisperse polymer networks is a fundamental problem of soft matter physics that is still open. Here, we self-assemble polymer networks via simulations of a mixture of bivalent and tri- or tetravalent patchy particles, which result in an exponential strand length distribution analogous to that of experimental randomly cross-linked systems. After assembly, the network connectivity and topology are frozen and the resulting system is characterized. We find that the fractal structure of the network depends on the number density at which the assembly has been carried out, but that systems with the same mean valence and same assembly density have the same structural properties. Moreover, we compute the long-time limit of the mean-squared displacement, also known as the (squared) localization length, of the cross-links and of the middle monomers of the strands, showing that the dynamics of long strands is well described by the tube model. Finally, we find a relation connecting these two localization lengths at high density and connect the cross-link localization length to the shear modulus of the system.
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Journal of Chemical Physics
American Institute of Physics
We thank Michael Lang for helpful discussions. We acknowledge financial support from the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant No. 681597, MIMIC) and from LabEx NUMEV (Grant No. ANR-10-LABX-20) funded by the “Investissements d’Avenir” French Government program, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR). W.K. is a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France.
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Sorichetti V, Ninarello A, Ruiz-Franco J, et al. Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2023;158(7). doi:10.1063/5.0134271
Sorichetti, V., Ninarello, A., Ruiz-Franco, J., Hugouvieux, V., Zaccarelli, E., Micheletti, C., … Rovigatti, L. (2023). Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks. Journal of Chemical Physics. American Institute of Physics.
Sorichetti, Valerio, Andrea Ninarello, José Ruiz-Franco, Virginie Hugouvieux, Emanuela Zaccarelli, Cristian Micheletti, Walter Kob, and Lorenzo Rovigatti. “Structure and Elasticity of Model Disordered, Polydisperse, and Defect-Free Polymer Networks.” Journal of Chemical Physics. American Institute of Physics, 2023.
V. Sorichetti et al., “Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks,” Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 158, no. 7. American Institute of Physics, 2023.
Sorichetti V, Ninarello A, Ruiz-Franco J, Hugouvieux V, Zaccarelli E, Micheletti C, Kob W, Rovigatti L. 2023. Structure and elasticity of model disordered, polydisperse, and defect-free polymer networks. Journal of Chemical Physics. 158(7), 074905.
Sorichetti, Valerio, et al. “Structure and Elasticity of Model Disordered, Polydisperse, and Defect-Free Polymer Networks.” Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 158, no. 7, 074905, American Institute of Physics, 2023, doi:10.1063/5.0134271.
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