Topological charges of periodically kicked molecules

Karle V, Ghazaryan A, Lemeshko M. 2023. Topological charges of periodically kicked molecules. Physical Review Letters. 130(10), 103202.

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We show that the simplest of existing molecules—closed-shell diatomics not interacting with one another—host topological charges when driven by periodic far-off-resonant laser pulses. A periodically kicked molecular rotor can be mapped onto a “crystalline” lattice in angular momentum space. This allows us to define quasimomenta and the band structure in the Floquet representation, by analogy with the Bloch waves of solid-state physics. Applying laser pulses spaced by 1/3 of the molecular rotational period creates a lattice with three atoms per unit cell with staggered hopping. Within the synthetic dimension of the laser strength, we discover Dirac cones with topological charges. These Dirac cones, topologically protected by reflection and time-reversal symmetry, are reminiscent of (although not equivalent to) that seen in graphene. They—and the corresponding edge states—are broadly tunable by adjusting the laser strength and can be observed in present-day experiments by measuring molecular alignment and populations of rotational levels. This paves the way to study controllable topological physics in gas-phase experiments with small molecules as well as to classify dynamical molecular states by their topological invariants.
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Physical Review Letters
American Physical Society
M. L. acknowledges support by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant No. 801770 (ANGULON).
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Karle V, Ghazaryan A, Lemeshko M. Topological charges of periodically kicked molecules. Physical Review Letters. 2023;130(10). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.103202
Karle, V., Ghazaryan, A., & Lemeshko, M. (2023). Topological charges of periodically kicked molecules. Physical Review Letters. American Physical Society.
Karle, Volker, Areg Ghazaryan, and Mikhail Lemeshko. “Topological Charges of Periodically Kicked Molecules.” Physical Review Letters. American Physical Society, 2023.
V. Karle, A. Ghazaryan, and M. Lemeshko, “Topological charges of periodically kicked molecules,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 130, no. 10. American Physical Society, 2023.
Karle V, Ghazaryan A, Lemeshko M. 2023. Topological charges of periodically kicked molecules. Physical Review Letters. 130(10), 103202.
Karle, Volker, et al. “Topological Charges of Periodically Kicked Molecules.” Physical Review Letters, vol. 130, no. 10, 103202, American Physical Society, 2023, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.103202.
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PMID: 36962042
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arXiv 2206.07067

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