Thermoelectric performance of surface-engineered Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites

Xing C, Zhang Y, Xiao K, Han X, Liu Y, Nan B, Ramon MG, Lim KH, Li J, Arbiol J, Poudel B, Nozariasbmarz A, Li W, Ibáñez M, Cabot A. 2023. Thermoelectric performance of surface-engineered Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites. ACS Nano. 17(9), 8442–8452.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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Xing, Congcong; Zhang, Yu; Xiao, Ke; Han, Xu; Liu, YuISTA ; Nan, Bingfei; Ramon, Maria GarciaISTA; Lim, Khak Ho; Li, Junshan; Arbiol, Jordi; Poudel, Bed; Nozariasbmarz, Amin

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Cu2–xS and Cu2–xSe have recently been reported as promising thermoelectric (TE) materials for medium-temperature applications. In contrast, Cu2–xTe, another member of the copper chalcogenide family, typically exhibits low Seebeck coefficients that limit its potential to achieve a superior thermoelectric figure of merit, zT, particularly in the low-temperature range where this material could be effective. To address this, we investigated the TE performance of Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites by consolidating surface-engineered Cu1.5Te nanocrystals. This surface engineering strategy allows for precise adjustment of Cu/Te ratios and results in a reversible phase transition at around 600 K in Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites, as systematically confirmed by in situ high-temperature X-ray diffraction combined with differential scanning calorimetry analysis. The phase transition leads to a conversion from metallic-like to semiconducting-like TE properties. Additionally, a layer of Cu2Se generated around Cu1.5–xTe nanoparticles effectively inhibits Cu1.5–xTe grain growth, minimizing thermal conductivity and decreasing hole concentration. These properties indicate that copper telluride based compounds have a promising thermoelectric potential, translated into a high dimensionless zT of 1.3 at 560 K.
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ACS Nano
American Chemical Society
The authors acknowledge support from the projects ENE2016-77798-C4-3-R and NANOGEN (PID2020-116093RB-C43) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, and by the “European Union”. K.X. and B.N. thank the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for scholarship support. The authors acknowledge funding from Generalitat de Catalunya 2017 SGR 327 and 2017 SGR 1246. ICN2 is supported by the Severo Ochoa program from the Spanish MCIN/AEI (Grant No.: CEX2021-001214-S). IREC and ICN2 are funded by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. J.L. acknowledges support from the Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan province (2022NSFSC1229). Part of the present work was performed in the frameworks of Universitat de Barcelona Nanoscience Ph.D. program and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Materials Science Ph.D. program. Y.L. acknowledges funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 22209034) and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project of Overseas Returnees in Anhui Province (Grants No. 2022LCX002). K.H.L. acknowledges the financial support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 22208293).

Cite this

Xing C, Zhang Y, Xiao K, et al. Thermoelectric performance of surface-engineered Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites. ACS Nano. 2023;17(9):8442-8452. doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c00495
Xing, C., Zhang, Y., Xiao, K., Han, X., Liu, Y., Nan, B., … Cabot, A. (2023). Thermoelectric performance of surface-engineered Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites. ACS Nano. American Chemical Society.
Xing, Congcong, Yu Zhang, Ke Xiao, Xu Han, Yu Liu, Bingfei Nan, Maria Garcia Ramon, et al. “Thermoelectric Performance of Surface-Engineered Cu1.5–XTe–Cu2Se Nanocomposites.” ACS Nano. American Chemical Society, 2023.
C. Xing et al., “Thermoelectric performance of surface-engineered Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites,” ACS Nano, vol. 17, no. 9. American Chemical Society, pp. 8442–8452, 2023.
Xing C, Zhang Y, Xiao K, Han X, Liu Y, Nan B, Ramon MG, Lim KH, Li J, Arbiol J, Poudel B, Nozariasbmarz A, Li W, Ibáñez M, Cabot A. 2023. Thermoelectric performance of surface-engineered Cu1.5–xTe–Cu2Se nanocomposites. ACS Nano. 17(9), 8442–8452.
Xing, Congcong, et al. “Thermoelectric Performance of Surface-Engineered Cu1.5–XTe–Cu2Se Nanocomposites.” ACS Nano, vol. 17, no. 9, American Chemical Society, 2023, pp. 8442–52, doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c00495.


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