Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface

Arnold GM, Wulf M, Barzanjeh S, Redchenko E, Rueda Sanchez AR, Hease WJ, Hassani F, Fink JM. 2020. Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.3961561.

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This datasets comprises all data shown in plots of the submitted article "Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface". Additional raw data are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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Arnold GM, Wulf M, Barzanjeh S, et al. Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface. 2020. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.3961561
Arnold, G. M., Wulf, M., Barzanjeh, S., Redchenko, E., Rueda Sanchez, A. R., Hease, W. J., … Fink, J. M. (2020). Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface. Zenodo.
Arnold, Georg M, Matthias Wulf, Shabir Barzanjeh, Elena Redchenko, Alfredo R Rueda Sanchez, William J Hease, Farid Hassani, and Johannes M Fink. “Converting Microwave and Telecom Photons with a Silicon Photonic Nanomechanical Interface.” Zenodo, 2020.
G. M. Arnold et al., “Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface.” Zenodo, 2020.
Arnold GM, Wulf M, Barzanjeh S, Redchenko E, Rueda Sanchez AR, Hease WJ, Hassani F, Fink JM. 2020. Converting microwave and telecom photons with a silicon photonic nanomechanical interface, Zenodo, 10.5281/ZENODO.3961561.
Arnold, Georg M., et al. Converting Microwave and Telecom Photons with a Silicon Photonic Nanomechanical Interface. Zenodo, 2020, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.3961561.
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