Running Windows-applications on a Linux HPC cluster using WINE
Schlögl A, Elefante S, Hodirnau V-V. 2023. Running Windows-applications on a Linux HPC cluster using WINE. ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023. ASHPC: Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting, 59–59.
Conference Abstract
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| English
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Proceedings Title
ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023
Thanks to Jesse Hansen for his suggestions on improving the abstract.
ASHPC: Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting
Conference Location
Maribor, Slovenia
Conference Date
2023-06-13 – 2023-06-15
Cite this
Schlögl A, Elefante S, Hodirnau V-V. Running Windows-applications on a Linux HPC cluster using WINE. In: ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023. EuroCC; 2023:59-59.
Schlögl, A., Elefante, S., & Hodirnau, V.-V. (2023). Running Windows-applications on a Linux HPC cluster using WINE. In ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023 (pp. 59–59). Maribor, Slovenia: EuroCC.
Schlögl, Alois, Stefano Elefante, and Victor-Valentin Hodirnau. “Running Windows-Applications on a Linux HPC Cluster Using WINE.” In ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023, 59–59. EuroCC, 2023.
A. Schlögl, S. Elefante, and V.-V. Hodirnau, “Running Windows-applications on a Linux HPC cluster using WINE,” in ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023, Maribor, Slovenia, 2023, pp. 59–59.
Schlögl A, Elefante S, Hodirnau V-V. 2023. Running Windows-applications on a Linux HPC cluster using WINE. ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023. ASHPC: Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting, 59–59.
Schlögl, Alois, et al. “Running Windows-Applications on a Linux HPC Cluster Using WINE.” ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023, EuroCC, 2023, pp. 59–59.
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