Magnetotropic susceptibility
Shekhter A, Mcdonald RD, Ramshaw BJ, Modic KA. 2023. Magnetotropic susceptibility. Physical Review B. 108(3), 035111.
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Shekhter, A.;
Mcdonald, R. D.;
Ramshaw, B. J.;
Modic, Kimberly AISTA 

The magnetotropic susceptibility is the thermodynamic coefficient associated with the rotational anisotropy of the free energy in an external magnetic field and is closely related to the magnetic susceptibility. It emerges naturally in frequency-shift measurements of oscillating mechanical cantilevers, which are becoming an increasingly important tool in the quantitative study of the thermodynamics of modern condensed-matter systems. Here we discuss the basic properties of the magnetotropic susceptibility as they relate to the experimental aspects of frequency-shift measurements, as well as to the interpretation of those experiments in terms of the intrinsic properties of the system under study.
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Physical Review B
American Physical Society
We thank Aharon Kapitulnik, Philip Moll, and Andreas Rydh for illuminating discussions. The work at the Los Alamos National Laboratory is supported by National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreements No. DMR-1157490 and No. DMR-1644779, the state of Florida, and the U.S. Department of Energy. A.S. acknowledges support from the DOE/BES Science of 100T grant. B.J.R. acknowledges funding from the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
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Shekhter A, Mcdonald RD, Ramshaw BJ, Modic KA. Magnetotropic susceptibility. Physical Review B. 2023;108(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.108.035111
Shekhter, A., Mcdonald, R. D., Ramshaw, B. J., & Modic, K. A. (2023). Magnetotropic susceptibility. Physical Review B. American Physical Society.
Shekhter, A., R. D. Mcdonald, B. J. Ramshaw, and Kimberly A Modic. “Magnetotropic Susceptibility.” Physical Review B. American Physical Society, 2023.
A. Shekhter, R. D. Mcdonald, B. J. Ramshaw, and K. A. Modic, “Magnetotropic susceptibility,” Physical Review B, vol. 108, no. 3. American Physical Society, 2023.
Shekhter A, Mcdonald RD, Ramshaw BJ, Modic KA. 2023. Magnetotropic susceptibility. Physical Review B. 108(3), 035111.
Shekhter, A., et al. “Magnetotropic Susceptibility.” Physical Review B, vol. 108, no. 3, 035111, American Physical Society, 2023, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.108.035111.
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arXiv 2208.10038