Observation of laser-induced electronic structure in oriented polyatomic molecules
Kraus PM, Tolstikhin OI, Baykusheva DR, Rupenyan A, Schneider J, Bisgaard CZ, Morishita T, Jensen F, Madsen LB, Wörner HJ. 2015. Observation of laser-induced electronic structure in oriented polyatomic molecules. Nature Communications. 6, 7039.
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Kraus, P. M.;
Tolstikhin, O. I.;
Baykusheva, Denitsa RangelovaISTA;
Rupenyan, A.;
Schneider, J.;
Bisgaard, C. Z.;
Morishita, T.;
Jensen, F.;
Madsen, L. B.;
Wörner, H. J.
All attosecond time-resolved measurements have so far relied on the use of intense near-infrared laser pulses. In particular, attosecond streaking, laser-induced electron diffraction and high-harmonic generation all make use of non-perturbative light–matter interactions. Remarkably, the effect of the strong laser field on the studied sample has often been neglected in previous studies. Here we use high-harmonic spectroscopy to measure laser-induced modifications of the electronic structure of molecules. We study high-harmonic spectra of spatially oriented CH3F and CH3Br as generic examples of polar polyatomic molecules. We accurately measure intensity ratios of even and odd-harmonic orders, and of the emission from aligned and unaligned molecules. We show that these robust observables reveal a substantial modification of the molecular electronic structure by the external laser field. Our insights offer new challenges and opportunities for a range of emerging strong-field attosecond spectroscopies.
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Nature Communications
Springer Nature
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Kraus PM, Tolstikhin OI, Baykusheva DR, et al. Observation of laser-induced electronic structure in oriented polyatomic molecules. Nature Communications. 2015;6. doi:10.1038/ncomms8039
Kraus, P. M., Tolstikhin, O. I., Baykusheva, D. R., Rupenyan, A., Schneider, J., Bisgaard, C. Z., … Wörner, H. J. (2015). Observation of laser-induced electronic structure in oriented polyatomic molecules. Nature Communications. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8039
Kraus, P. M., O. I. Tolstikhin, Denitsa Rangelova Baykusheva, A. Rupenyan, J. Schneider, C. Z. Bisgaard, T. Morishita, F. Jensen, L. B. Madsen, and H. J. Wörner. “Observation of Laser-Induced Electronic Structure in Oriented Polyatomic Molecules.” Nature Communications. Springer Nature, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8039.
P. M. Kraus et al., “Observation of laser-induced electronic structure in oriented polyatomic molecules,” Nature Communications, vol. 6. Springer Nature, 2015.
Kraus PM, Tolstikhin OI, Baykusheva DR, Rupenyan A, Schneider J, Bisgaard CZ, Morishita T, Jensen F, Madsen LB, Wörner HJ. 2015. Observation of laser-induced electronic structure in oriented polyatomic molecules. Nature Communications. 6, 7039.
Kraus, P. M., et al. “Observation of Laser-Induced Electronic Structure in Oriented Polyatomic Molecules.” Nature Communications, vol. 6, 7039, Springer Nature, 2015, doi:10.1038/ncomms8039.
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