Analysis of dynamic message passing programs
Zufferey D. 2013. Analysis of dynamic message passing programs. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
| PhD
| Published
| English
Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
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ISTA Thesis
Motivated by the analysis of highly dynamic message-passing systems, i.e. unbounded thread creation, mobility, etc. we present a framework for the analysis of depth-bounded systems. Depth-bounded systems are one of the most expressive known fragment of the π-calculus for which interesting verification problems are still decidable. Even though they are infinite state systems depth-bounded systems are well-structured, thus can be analyzed algorithmically. We give an interpretation of depth-bounded systems as graph-rewriting systems. This gives more flexibility and ease of use to apply depth-bounded systems to other type of systems like shared memory concurrency.
First, we develop an adequate domain of limits for depth-bounded systems, a prerequisite for the effective representation of downward-closed sets. Downward-closed sets are needed by forward saturation-based algorithms to represent potentially infinite sets of states. Then, we present an abstract interpretation framework to compute the covering set of well-structured transition systems. Because, in general, the covering set is not computable, our abstraction over-approximates the actual covering set. Our abstraction captures the essence of acceleration based-algorithms while giving up enough precision to ensure convergence. We have implemented the analysis in the PICASSO tool and show that it is accurate in practice. Finally, we build some further analyses like termination using the covering set as starting point.
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Institute of Science and Technology Austria
This work was supported in part by the Austrian Science Fund NFN RiSE (Rigorous Systems Engineering) and by the ERC Advanced Grant QUAREM (Quantitative Reactve Modeling).
Chapter 2, 3, and 4 are joint work with Thomas A. Henzinger and Thomas Wies. Chapter 2 was published in FoSSaCS 2010 as “Forward Analysis of Depth-Bounded Processes” [112]. Chapter 3 was published in VMCAI 2012 as “Ideal Abstractions for Well-Structured Transition Systems” [114]. Chap- ter 5.1 is joint work with Kshitij Bansal, Eric Koskinen, and Thomas Wies. It was published in TACAS 2013 as “Structural Counter Abstraction” [13]. The author’s contribution in this part is mostly related to the implementation. The theory required to understand the method and its implementation is quickly recalled to make the thesis self-contained, but should not be considered as a contribution. For the details of the methods, we refer the reader to the orig- inal publication [13] and the corresponding technical report [14]. Chapter 5.2 is ongoing work with Shahram Esmaeilsabzali, Rupak Majumdar, and Thomas Wies. I also would like to thank the people who supported over the past 4 years. My advisor Thomas A. Henzinger who gave me a lot of freedom to work on projects I was interested in. My collaborators, especially Thomas Wies with whom I worked since the beginning. The members of my thesis committee, Viktor Kun- cak and Rupak Majumdar, who also agreed to advise me. Simon Aeschbacher, Pavol Cerny, Cezara Dragoi, Arjun Radhakrishna, my family, friends and col- leagues who created an enjoyable environment.
Cite this
Zufferey D. Analysis of dynamic message passing programs. 2013. doi:10.15479/at:ista:1405
Zufferey, D. (2013). Analysis of dynamic message passing programs. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Zufferey, Damien. “Analysis of Dynamic Message Passing Programs.” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2013.
D. Zufferey, “Analysis of dynamic message passing programs,” Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2013.
Zufferey D. 2013. Analysis of dynamic message passing programs. Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
Zufferey, Damien. Analysis of Dynamic Message Passing Programs. Institute of Science and Technology Austria, 2013, doi:10.15479/at:ista:1405.
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