Spin-down and reduced mass loss in early-type stars with large-scale magnetic fields
Keszthelyi Z, Koter A de, Götberg YLL, Meynet G, Brands SA, Petit V, Carrington M, A. David-Uraz AD-U, Geen ST, Georgy C, Hirschi R, Puls J, Ramalatswa KJ, Shultz ME, A. ud-Doula A ud-Doula. Spin-down and reduced mass loss in early-type stars with large-scale magnetic fields. arXiv, 2211.07060.
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Keszthelyi, Z.;
Koter, A. de;
Götberg, Ylva Louise LinsdotterISTA
Meynet, G.;
Brands, S. A.;
Petit, V.;
Carrington, M.;
A. David-Uraz, A. David-Uraz;
Geen, S. T.;
Georgy, C.;
Hirschi, R.;
Puls, J.

Magnetism can greatly impact the evolution of stars. In some stars with OBA spectral types there is direct evidence via the Zeeman effect for stable, large-scale magnetospheres, which lead to the spin-down of the stellar surface and reduced mass loss. So far, a comprehensive grid of stellar structure and evolution models accounting for these effects was lacking. For this reason, we computed and studied models with two magnetic braking and two chemical mixing schemes in three metallicity environments with the MESA software instrument. We find notable differences between the subgrids, which affects the model predictions and thus the detailed characterisation of stars. We are able to quantify the impact of magnetic fields in terms of preventing quasi-chemically homogeneous evolution and producing slowly-rotating, nitrogen-enriched ("Group 2") stars. Our model grid is fully open access and open source.
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Keszthelyi Z, Koter A de, Götberg YLL, et al. Spin-down and reduced mass loss in early-type stars with large-scale magnetic fields. arXiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2211.07060
Keszthelyi, Z., Koter, A. de, Götberg, Y. L. L., Meynet, G., Brands, S. A., Petit, V., … A. ud-Doula, A. ud-Doula. (n.d.). Spin-down and reduced mass loss in early-type stars with large-scale magnetic fields. arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2211.07060
Keszthelyi, Z., A. de Koter, Ylva Louise Linsdotter Götberg, G. Meynet, S. A. Brands, V. Petit, M. Carrington, et al. “Spin-down and Reduced Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars with Large-Scale Magnetic Fields.” ArXiv, n.d. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2211.07060.
Z. Keszthelyi et al., “Spin-down and reduced mass loss in early-type stars with large-scale magnetic fields,” arXiv. .
Keszthelyi Z, Koter A de, Götberg YLL, Meynet G, Brands SA, Petit V, Carrington M, A. David-Uraz AD-U, Geen ST, Georgy C, Hirschi R, Puls J, Ramalatswa KJ, Shultz ME, A. ud-Doula A ud-Doula. Spin-down and reduced mass loss in early-type stars with large-scale magnetic fields. arXiv, 2211.07060.
Keszthelyi, Z., et al. “Spin-down and Reduced Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars with Large-Scale Magnetic Fields.” ArXiv, 2211.07060, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2211.07060.
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arXiv 2211.07060