Free-carrier-induced soliton fission unveiled by in situ measurements in nanophotonic waveguides
Husko C, Wulf M, Lefrançois S, Combrié S, Lehoucq G, De Rossi A, Eggleton B, Kuipers L. 2016. Free-carrier-induced soliton fission unveiled by in situ measurements in nanophotonic waveguides. Nature Communications. 7, 11332 (2016).
Journal Article
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| English
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Husko, Chad;
Wulf, MatthiasISTA
Lefrançois, Simon;
Combrié, Sylvain;
Lehoucq, Gaëlle;
De Rossi, Alfredo;
Eggleton, Benjamin;
Kuipers, Laurens

Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Solitons are localized waves formed by a balance of focusing and defocusing effects. These nonlinear waves exist in diverse forms of matter yet exhibit similar properties including stability, periodic recurrence and particle-like trajectories. One important property is soliton fission, a process by which an energetic higher-order soliton breaks apart due to dispersive or nonlinear perturbations. Here we demonstrate through both experiment and theory that nonlinear photocarrier generation can induce soliton fission. Using near-field measurements, we directly observe the nonlinear spatial and temporal evolution of optical pulses in situ in a nanophotonic semiconductor waveguide. We develop an analytic formalism describing the free-carrier dispersion (FCD) perturbation and show the experiment exceeds the minimum threshold by an order of magnitude. We confirm these observations with a numerical nonlinear Schrödinger equation model. These results provide a fundamental explanation and physical scaling of optical pulse evolution in free-carrier media and could enable improved supercontinuum sources in gas based and integrated semiconductor waveguides.
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Nature Communications
Nature Publishing Group
This research was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Center of Excellence CUDOS (CE110001018), ARC Laureate Fellowship (FL120100029), ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA DE120102069), the Netherlands Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). L.K. acknowledges funding from ERC Advanced Investigator Grant (no. 240438-CONSTANS). A.D.R, S.C., and G.L. acknowledge financial support from the ERC-Pharos programme lead by A. P. Mosk.
Article Number
11332 (2016)
Cite this
Husko C, Wulf M, Lefrançois S, et al. Free-carrier-induced soliton fission unveiled by in situ measurements in nanophotonic waveguides. Nature Communications. 2016;7. doi:10.1038/ncomms11332
Husko, C., Wulf, M., Lefrançois, S., Combrié, S., Lehoucq, G., De Rossi, A., … Kuipers, L. (2016). Free-carrier-induced soliton fission unveiled by in situ measurements in nanophotonic waveguides. Nature Communications. Nature Publishing Group.
Husko, Chad, Matthias Wulf, Simon Lefrançois, Sylvain Combrié, Gaëlle Lehoucq, Alfredo De Rossi, Benjamin Eggleton, and Laurens Kuipers. “Free-Carrier-Induced Soliton Fission Unveiled by in Situ Measurements in Nanophotonic Waveguides.” Nature Communications. Nature Publishing Group, 2016.
C. Husko et al., “Free-carrier-induced soliton fission unveiled by in situ measurements in nanophotonic waveguides,” Nature Communications, vol. 7. Nature Publishing Group, 2016.
Husko C, Wulf M, Lefrançois S, Combrié S, Lehoucq G, De Rossi A, Eggleton B, Kuipers L. 2016. Free-carrier-induced soliton fission unveiled by in situ measurements in nanophotonic waveguides. Nature Communications. 7, 11332 (2016).
Husko, Chad, et al. “Free-Carrier-Induced Soliton Fission Unveiled by in Situ Measurements in Nanophotonic Waveguides.” Nature Communications, vol. 7, 11332 (2016), Nature Publishing Group, 2016, doi:10.1038/ncomms11332.
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