Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in lateral roots
Roychoudhry S, Sageman-Furnas K, Wolverton C, Grones P, Tan S, Molnar G, De Angelis M, Goodman H, Capstaff N, JPB L, Mullen J, Hangarter R, Friml J, Kepinski S. 2023. Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in lateral roots. Nature Plants. 9, 1500–1513.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Roychoudhry, S;
Sageman-Furnas, K;
Wolverton, C;
Grones, PeterISTA;
Tan, ShutangISTA
Molnar, GergelyISTA;
De Angelis, M;
Goodman, HL;
Capstaff, N;
JPB, Lloyd;
Mullen, J;
Hangarter, R

Lateral roots are typically maintained at non-vertical angles with respect to gravity. These gravitropic setpoint angles are intriguing because their maintenance requires that roots are able to effect growth response both with and against the gravity vector, a phenomenon previously attributed to gravitropism acting against an antigravitropic offset mechanism. Here we show how the components mediating gravitropism in the vertical primary root—PINs and phosphatases acting upon them—are reconfigured in their regulation such that lateral root growth at a range of angles can be maintained. We show that the ability of Arabidopsis lateral roots to bend both downward and upward requires the generation of auxin asymmetries and is driven by angle-dependent variation in downward gravitropic auxin flux acting against angle-independent upward, antigravitropic flux. Further, we demonstrate a symmetry in auxin distribution in lateral roots at gravitropic setpoint angle that can be traced back to a net, balanced polarization of PIN3 and PIN7 auxin transporters in the columella. These auxin fluxes are shifted by altering PIN protein phosphoregulation in the columella, either by introducing PIN3 phosphovariant versions or via manipulation of levels of the phosphatase subunit PP2A/RCN1. Finally, we show that auxin, in addition to driving lateral root directional growth, acts within the lateral root columella to induce more vertical growth by increasing RCN1 levels, causing a downward shift in PIN3 localization, thereby diminishing the magnitude of the upward, antigravitropic auxin flux.
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Nature Plants
Springer Nature
We thank D. Weijers, C. Schwechheimer and R. Offringa for generous sharing of published and unpublished materials and P. Masson for advice on the use of the ARL2 promoter. We are grateful to M. Del Bianco and O. Leyser for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by the BBSRC (grants BB/N010124/1 and BB/R000859/1 to S.K.), the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2018-137 to S.K.).
Cite this
Roychoudhry S, Sageman-Furnas K, Wolverton C, et al. Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in lateral roots. Nature Plants. 2023;9:1500-1513. doi:10.1038/s41477-023-01478-x
Roychoudhry, S., Sageman-Furnas, K., Wolverton, C., Grones, P., Tan, S., Molnar, G., … Kepinski, S. (2023). Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in lateral roots. Nature Plants. Springer Nature.
Roychoudhry, S, K Sageman-Furnas, C Wolverton, Peter Grones, Shutang Tan, Gergely Molnar, M De Angelis, et al. “Antigravitropic PIN Polarization Maintains Non-Vertical Growth in Lateral Roots.” Nature Plants. Springer Nature, 2023.
S. Roychoudhry et al., “Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in lateral roots,” Nature Plants, vol. 9. Springer Nature, pp. 1500–1513, 2023.
Roychoudhry S, Sageman-Furnas K, Wolverton C, Grones P, Tan S, Molnar G, De Angelis M, Goodman H, Capstaff N, JPB L, Mullen J, Hangarter R, Friml J, Kepinski S. 2023. Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in lateral roots. Nature Plants. 9, 1500–1513.
Roychoudhry, S., et al. “Antigravitropic PIN Polarization Maintains Non-Vertical Growth in Lateral Roots.” Nature Plants, vol. 9, Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 1500–13, doi:10.1038/s41477-023-01478-x.
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