New fluorescent auxin derivatives: Anti-auxin activity and accumulation patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana
Bieleszová K, Hladík P, Kubala M, Napier R, Brunoni F, Gelová Z, Fiedler L, Kulich I, Strnad M, Doležal K, Novák O, Friml J, Žukauskaitė A. 2024. New fluorescent auxin derivatives: Anti-auxin activity and accumulation patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation. 102, 589–602.
Journal Article
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Bieleszová, Kristýna;
Hladík, Pavel;
Kubala, Martin;
Napier, Richard;
Brunoni, Federica;
Gelova, ZuzanaISTA
Fiedler, LukasISTA;
Kulich, IvanISTA;
Strnad, Miroslav;
Doležal, Karel;
Novák, Ondřej;
Friml, JiríISTA

Auxin belongs among major phytohormones and governs multiple aspects of plant growth and development. The establishment of auxin concentration gradients, determines, among other processes, plant organ positioning and growth responses to environmental stimuli.
Herein we report the synthesis of new NBD- or DNS-labelled IAA derivatives and the elucidation of their biological activity, fluorescence properties and subcellular accumulation patterns in planta. These novel compounds did not show auxin-like activity, but instead antagonized physiological auxin effects. The DNS-labelled derivatives FL5 and FL6 showed strong anti-auxin activity in roots and hypocotyls, which also occurred at the level of gene transcription as confirmed by quantitative PCR analysis. The auxin antagonism of our derivatives was further demonstrated in vitro using an SPR-based binding assay. The NBD-labelled compound FL4 with the best fluorescence properties proved to be unsuitable to study auxin accumulation patterns in planta. On the other hand, the strongest anti-auxin activity possessing compounds FL5 and FL6 could be useful to study binding mechanisms to auxin receptors and for manipulations of auxin-regulated processes.
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Plant Growth Regulation
Springer Nature
The authors would like to thank Karolína Kubiasová and Iñigo Saiz-Fernández for valuable scientific discussions. Open access publishing supported by the National Technical Library in Prague. This work was supported by the Palacký University Olomouc Young Researcher Grant Competition (JG_2020_002), by the Internal Grant Agency of Palacký University Olomouc (IGA_PrF_2023_016, IGA_PrF_2023_031), by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic through the European Regional Development Fund-Project Plants as a tool for sustainable global development (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000827) and the project Support of mobility at Palacký University Olomouc II. (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0016919). The Biacore T200 SPR instrument was provided by the WISB Research Technology Facility within the School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick.
Cite this
Bieleszová K, Hladík P, Kubala M, et al. New fluorescent auxin derivatives: Anti-auxin activity and accumulation patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation. 2024;102:589-602. doi:10.1007/s10725-023-01083-0
Bieleszová, K., Hladík, P., Kubala, M., Napier, R., Brunoni, F., Gelová, Z., … Žukauskaitė, A. (2024). New fluorescent auxin derivatives: Anti-auxin activity and accumulation patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation. Springer Nature.
Bieleszová, Kristýna, Pavel Hladík, Martin Kubala, Richard Napier, Federica Brunoni, Zuzana Gelová, Lukas Fiedler, et al. “New Fluorescent Auxin Derivatives: Anti-Auxin Activity and Accumulation Patterns in Arabidopsis Thaliana.” Plant Growth Regulation. Springer Nature, 2024.
K. Bieleszová et al., “New fluorescent auxin derivatives: Anti-auxin activity and accumulation patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana,” Plant Growth Regulation, vol. 102. Springer Nature, pp. 589–602, 2024.
Bieleszová K, Hladík P, Kubala M, Napier R, Brunoni F, Gelová Z, Fiedler L, Kulich I, Strnad M, Doležal K, Novák O, Friml J, Žukauskaitė A. 2024. New fluorescent auxin derivatives: Anti-auxin activity and accumulation patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Growth Regulation. 102, 589–602.
Bieleszová, Kristýna, et al. “New Fluorescent Auxin Derivatives: Anti-Auxin Activity and Accumulation Patterns in Arabidopsis Thaliana.” Plant Growth Regulation, vol. 102, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 589–602, doi:10.1007/s10725-023-01083-0.
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