Lightning creation games
Avarikioti Z, Lizurej T, Michalak T, Yeo MX. 2023. Lightning creation games. 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. ICDCS: International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems vol. 2023, 603–613.
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Conference Paper
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Avarikioti, Zeta;
Lizurej, Tomasz;
Michalak, Tomasz;
Yeo, Michelle XISTA 

Payment channel networks (PCNs) are a promising solution to the scalability problem of cryptocurrencies. Any two users connected by a payment channel in the network can theoretically send an unbounded number of instant, costless transactions between them. Users who are not directly connected can also transact with each other in a multi-hop fashion. In this work, we study the incentive structure behind the creation of payment channel networks, particularly from the point of view of a single user that wants to join the network. We define a utility function for a new user in terms of expected revenue, expected fees, and the cost of creating channels, and then provide constant factor approximation algorithms that optimise the utility function given a certain budget. Additionally, we take a step back from a single user to the whole network and examine the parameter spaces under which simple graph topologies form a Nash equilibrium.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Proceedings Title
43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
The work was partially supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through the project CoRaF (grant 2020388). It was also partially supported by NCN Grant 2019/35/B/ST6/04138 and ERC Grant 885666.
ICDCS: International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
Conference Location
Hong Kong, China
Conference Date
2023-07-18 – 2023-07-21
Cite this
Avarikioti Z, Lizurej T, Michalak T, Yeo MX. Lightning creation games. In: 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. Vol 2023. IEEE; 2023:603-613. doi:10.1109/ICDCS57875.2023.00037
Avarikioti, Z., Lizurej, T., Michalak, T., & Yeo, M. X. (2023). Lightning creation games. In 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (Vol. 2023, pp. 603–613). Hong Kong, China: IEEE.
Avarikioti, Zeta, Tomasz Lizurej, Tomasz Michalak, and Michelle X Yeo. “Lightning Creation Games.” In 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2023:603–13. IEEE, 2023.
Z. Avarikioti, T. Lizurej, T. Michalak, and M. X. Yeo, “Lightning creation games,” in 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Hong Kong, China, 2023, vol. 2023, pp. 603–613.
Avarikioti Z, Lizurej T, Michalak T, Yeo MX. 2023. Lightning creation games. 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. ICDCS: International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems vol. 2023, 603–613.
Avarikioti, Zeta, et al. “Lightning Creation Games.” 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, vol. 2023, IEEE, 2023, pp. 603–13, doi:10.1109/ICDCS57875.2023.00037.
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arXiv 2306.16006