How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary process

Berdan EL, Barton NH, Butlin R, Charlesworth B, Faria R, Fragata I, Gilbert KJ, Jay P, Kapun M, Lotterhos KE, Mérot C, Durmaz Mitchell E, Pascual M, Peichel CL, Rafajlović M, Westram AM, Schaeffer SW, Johannesson K, Flatt T. 2023. How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary process. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 36(12), 14242.

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Journal Article | Published | English

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Berdan, Emma L.; Barton, Nick HISTA ; Butlin, Roger; Charlesworth, Brian; Faria, Rui; Fragata, Inês; Gilbert, Kimberly J.; Jay, Paul; Kapun, Martin; Lotterhos, Katie E.; Mérot, Claire; Durmaz Mitchell, Esra
Inversions are structural mutations that reverse the sequence of a chromosome segment and reduce the effective rate of recombination in the heterozygous state. They play a major role in adaptation, as well as in other evolutionary processes such as speciation. Although inversions have been studied since the 1920s, they remain difficult to investigate because the reduced recombination conferred by them strengthens the effects of drift and hitchhiking, which in turn can obscure signatures of selection. Nonetheless, numerous inversions have been found to be under selection. Given recent advances in population genetic theory and empirical study, here we review how different mechanisms of selection affect the evolution of inversions. A key difference between inversions and other mutations, such as single nucleotide variants, is that the fitness of an inversion may be affected by a larger number of frequently interacting processes. This considerably complicates the analysis of the causes underlying the evolution of inversions. We discuss the extent to which these mechanisms can be disentangled, and by which approach.
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Journal of Evolutionary Biology
We are grateful to two referees and Luke Holman for valuable comments on a previous version of our manuscript. This paper was conceived at the ESEB Progress Meeting ‘Disentangling neutral versus adaptive evolution in chromosomal inversions’, organized by ELB, KJ and TF and held at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory (Sweden) between 28 February and 3 March 2022. We are indebted to ESEB for sponsoring our workshop and to the following funding bodies for supporting our research: ERC AdG 101055327 to NHB; Swedish Research Council (VR) 2018-03695 and Leverhulme Trust RPG-2021-141 to RKB; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) contract 2020.00275.CEECIND and research project PTDC/BIA-1232 EVL/1614/2021 to RF; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) junior researcher contract CEECIND/02616/2018 to IF; Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione #PZ00P3_185952 to KJG; National Science Foundation NSF-OCE 2043905 and NSF-DEB 1655701 to KEL; Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 310030_204681 to CLP; Swedish Research Council (VR) 2021-05243 to MR; Norwegian Research Council grant 315287 to AMW; Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 31003A-182262 and FZEB-0-214654 to TF. We also thank Luca Ferretti for the discussion and Eliane Zinn (Flatt lab) for help with reference formatting.
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Berdan EL, Barton NH, Butlin R, et al. How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary process. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2023;36(12). doi:10.1111/jeb.14242
Berdan, E. L., Barton, N. H., Butlin, R., Charlesworth, B., Faria, R., Fragata, I., … Flatt, T. (2023). How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary process. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Wiley.
Berdan, Emma L., Nicholas H Barton, Roger Butlin, Brian Charlesworth, Rui Faria, Inês Fragata, Kimberly J. Gilbert, et al. “How Chromosomal Inversions Reorient the Evolutionary Process.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Wiley, 2023.
E. L. Berdan et al., “How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary process,” Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 36, no. 12. Wiley, 2023.
Berdan EL, Barton NH, Butlin R, Charlesworth B, Faria R, Fragata I, Gilbert KJ, Jay P, Kapun M, Lotterhos KE, Mérot C, Durmaz Mitchell E, Pascual M, Peichel CL, Rafajlović M, Westram AM, Schaeffer SW, Johannesson K, Flatt T. 2023. How chromosomal inversions reorient the evolutionary process. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 36(12), 14242.
Berdan, Emma L., et al. “How Chromosomal Inversions Reorient the Evolutionary Process.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 36, no. 12, 14242, Wiley, 2023, doi:10.1111/jeb.14242.
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