Image retrieval outperforms diffusion models on data augmentation

Burg M, Wenzel F, Zietlow D, Horn M, Makansi O, Locatello F, Russell C. 2023. Image retrieval outperforms diffusion models on data augmentation. Journal of Machine Learning Research.

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Journal Article | Published | English
Burg, Max; Wenzel, Florian; Zietlow, Dominik; Horn, Max; Makansi, Osama; Locatello, FrancescoISTA ; Russell, Chris
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Many approaches have been proposed to use diffusion models to augment training datasets for downstream tasks, such as classification. However, diffusion models are themselves trained on large datasets, often with noisy annotations, and it remains an open question to which extent these models contribute to downstream classification performance. In particular, it remains unclear if they generalize enough to improve over directly using the additional data of their pre-training process for augmentation. We systematically evaluate a range of existing methods to generate images from diffusion models and study new extensions to assess their benefit for data augmentation. Personalizing diffusion models towards the target data outperforms simpler prompting strategies. However, using the pre-training data of the diffusion model alone, via a simple nearest-neighbor retrieval procedure, leads to even stronger downstream performance. Our study explores the potential of diffusion models in generating new training data, and surprisingly finds that these sophisticated models are not yet able to beat a simple and strong image retrieval baseline on simple downstream vision tasks.
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Journal of Machine Learning Research
ML Research Press
The authors would like to thank Varad Gunjal and Vishaal Udandarao. MFB thanks the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS).

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Burg M, Wenzel F, Zietlow D, et al. Image retrieval outperforms diffusion models on data augmentation. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2023.
Burg, M., Wenzel, F., Zietlow, D., Horn, M., Makansi, O., Locatello, F., & Russell, C. (2023). Image retrieval outperforms diffusion models on data augmentation. Journal of Machine Learning Research. ML Research Press.
Burg, Max, Florian Wenzel, Dominik Zietlow, Max Horn, Osama Makansi, Francesco Locatello, and Chris Russell. “Image Retrieval Outperforms Diffusion Models on Data Augmentation.” Journal of Machine Learning Research. ML Research Press, 2023.
M. Burg et al., “Image retrieval outperforms diffusion models on data augmentation,” Journal of Machine Learning Research. ML Research Press, 2023.
Burg M, Wenzel F, Zietlow D, Horn M, Makansi O, Locatello F, Russell C. 2023. Image retrieval outperforms diffusion models on data augmentation. Journal of Machine Learning Research.
Burg, Max, et al. “Image Retrieval Outperforms Diffusion Models on Data Augmentation.” Journal of Machine Learning Research, ML Research Press, 2023.
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