Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial
Schlögl A, Vidaurre C, Müller K-R. 2010.Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial. In: Brain-Computer Interfaces. The Frontiers Collection, , 331–355.
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Book Chapter
| Published
| English
Scopus indexed
Schlögl, AloisISTA
Vidaurre, Carmen;
Müller, Klaus-Robert

Book Editor
Graimann, Bernhard;
Pfurtscheller, Gert;
Allison, Brendan
Corresponding author has ISTA affiliation
Series Title
The Frontiers Collection
This chapter tackles a difficult challenge: presenting signal processing material to non-experts. This chapter is meant to be comprehensible to people who have some math background, including a course in linear algebra and basic statistics, but do not specialize in mathematics, engineering, or related fields. Some formulas assume the reader is familiar with matrices and basic matrix operations, but not more advanced material. Furthermore, we tried to make the chapter readable even if you skip the formulas. Nevertheless, we include some simple methods to demonstrate the basics of adaptive data processing, then we proceed with some advanced methods that are fundamental in adaptive signal processing, and are likely to be useful in a variety of applications. The advanced algorithms are also online available [30]. In the second part, these techniques are applied to some real-world BCI data.
Publishing Year
Date Published
Book Title
Brain-Computer Interfaces
This work was supported by the EU grants “BrainCom” (FP6-2004-Mobility-5 Grant No 024259) and “Multi-adaptive BCI” (MEIF-CT-2006 Grant No 040666). Furthermore, we thank Matthias Krauledat for fruitful discussions and tools for generating Fig. 5.
Cite this
Schlögl A, Vidaurre C, Müller K-R. Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial. In: Graimann B, Pfurtscheller G, Allison B, eds. Brain-Computer Interfaces. 1st ed. FRONTCOLL. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2010:331-355. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02091-9_18
Schlögl, A., Vidaurre, C., & Müller, K.-R. (2010). Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial. In B. Graimann, G. Pfurtscheller, & B. Allison (Eds.), Brain-Computer Interfaces (1st ed., pp. 331–355). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Schlögl, Alois, Carmen Vidaurre, and Klaus-Robert Müller. “Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial.” In Brain-Computer Interfaces, edited by Bernhard Graimann, Gert Pfurtscheller, and Brendan Allison, 1st ed., 331–55. FRONTCOLL. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010.
A. Schlögl, C. Vidaurre, and K.-R. Müller, “Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial,” in Brain-Computer Interfaces, 1st ed., B. Graimann, G. Pfurtscheller, and B. Allison, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 331–355.
Schlögl A, Vidaurre C, Müller K-R. 2010.Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial. In: Brain-Computer Interfaces. The Frontiers Collection, , 331–355.
Schlögl, Alois, et al. “Adaptive Methods in BCI Research - An Introductory Tutorial.” Brain-Computer Interfaces, edited by Bernhard Graimann et al., 1st ed., Springer, 2010, pp. 331–55, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02091-9_18.